The Ganges River: Daily LifeA historian can make inferences that demonstrate why the Ganges River is an integral part ofdaily life in Varanasi, India. The first inference that they could make is that the boats in the waterhelped daily life. Having marine technology allows the community in Varanasi to travel, fish andcollect plants that grow on the water’s surface. We know this because in the picture, there aretravelers, fisherman and other people in boats on the Ganges.Another inference I could make is that residents have a religion. In the picture, there are manypeople sitting on the wall and turret, praying. This connects to the importance of the river becausepeople are thankful for their body of water and demonstrates the spiritual significance of the GangesRiver.The last inference is that there is growth of the cities. Without the river, they would probably notbe able to build as strong and sturdy buildings. These are some inferences historians could makeabout daily life in Varanasi, India.