Never I everaiseverGhosted crush oh a being sickSomeone Crush CelebrityNeverhave Neverhave Never have Neverhave Neverhave notI ever I ever I ever I ever I ever intentionaleaten spelled my laughed ate aiiiiiibeenexpelled at a joke bug oravoidbothor held food from namethe floor wrong I didnt mudback getI evergotcaught I everaccidentally a push byPutting itundernose teacher dadYhave I never havePickingmy called my everythinginthe closet mybedNeverhave never have Never have Neverhave Never haveI ever I ever tripped I ever I ever I everstayedUP and fell dropped a believed shared myuntill 3 Phone inin the in Public the toilet in ghosts foodmorning my petNeverhave Never have Never haveI ever said Never have Never haveI ever I ever I ever I sangsungmiserablydanced inin thebathroom farontmiffron youtoo on missed a in theaccident high five showerq whentaryntthefactthatMthisistine s hair