Scientific Answers1
4 Scientific AnswersContentChapter Theme PageChapter1Caves 3-6Chapter 2 Robots 7-10Chapter 3 The human brain 10-15Quiz Memory 17-18Craft Cell 182 Scientific AnswersCavesCaves in GreeceCaves are natural cavities inside the Earth that can be accessed by humans. In Greece, thereare many impressive caves worth visiting. Here are some of the most well-known ones:1. Cave of Lakes in Achaia: A unique cave with cascading lakes on three levels.2. Melissani Cave-Lake in Kefalonia: A lake-cave with crystal-clear waters and apartially collapsed roof that creates a stunning spectacle.3. Alistrati Cave in Serres: One of the largest and most beautiful caves in Europe,featuring a rich interior decoration.4. Diros Cave (Vlychada): One of the most beautiful lake caves in the world, withimpressive stalactites and stalagmites that create a magical underground landscape.Diros CaveBelow are details about caves in general, but with a focus on the Diros Cave.The Diros Cave is located in Mani and is one of the largestcaves in Greece. It features large underground lakes,stalactites, and stalagmites.Submerged StalagmitesBeneath the surface of the water, there are large stalagmites.Since these form from dripping water falling from caveceilings, it is evident that they were created when the cave wasdry due to lower sea levels. At that time, the undergroundriver flowed through galleries located at much deeper levels.Stalactite WaterfallBehind the large “waterfall” lies a lake section with a lowceiling, filled with thin stalactites that reach down to the water’ssurface.On the tourist route of approximately 1,600 meters, visitors aretaken on boats through the lake section before disembarkingonto dry land and walking along a pathway that leads to anartificial exit.3 Scientific AnswersThe Depths of the CaveTo visit the parts described here, one must swim for about an hour after completing half ofthe tourist route, passing through labyrinthine lake chambers. At one point, there is asection where the ceiling touches the water’s surface, requiring one to hold their breath topass through.Risk of DehydrationDue to the presence of lakes inside the cave, the humiditylevel is close to 100%. This keeps the stalactites andstalagmites “alive.” However, the high humidity causesspeleologists to rarely feel thirsty, which poses a risk ofdehydration ifthey don’t makea conscious effort to drink water frequently.Source for Diros Cave Information: “Earth &Water, Wonderful Greece”Cave of LakesThe Cave of Lakes is truly a natural wonder. It islocated near the village of Kastria in Achaia,about 17 kilometers from Kalavryta. The cave isknown for its 13 consecutive cascading lakes spread across three levels, making it uniquecompared to other caves in Greece.The cave used to be a riverbed and spans about 2 kilometers, although only 500 meters areaccessible to the public. Visitors enter through an artificial tunnel that leads directly to thesecond level. Elevated bridges allow them to walk over the lakes, admiring the stunningstalactites and stalagmites.Additionally, the cave has significant archaeological value, withfossils of animals such as hippopotamuses and elephants havingbeen discovered. It’s a destination that combines natural beautywith historical interest.Melissani Lake-CaveThe Melissani Cave-Lake is located on Kefalonia, about 2kilometers northwest of Sami. The cave is famous for its natural4 Scientific Answersbeauty and turquoise waters, creating abreathtaking scene. The cave’s naturalentrance is vertical, measuring 40x50 meters,and was formed by the collapse of a section ofthe roof.The cave consists of two sections: an open andbright area and a closed section with a smallisland in the center. Sun rays enter through theroof opening and illuminate the water, creatingdazzling colors that shift depending on thesun’s position. Visitors can enjoy a boat ride onthe lake, marveling at the stalactites and stalagmites decorating the cave.The lake’s water is brackish*, supplied by various sources, including the “Katavothres”spring near Argostoli. The lake’s depth ranges from 10 to 30 meters, and the watertemperature remains stable throughout the year. The cave also has archaeologicalsignificance, with artifacts depicting nymphs and otherelements that highlight its mythological importance.A visit to the Melissani Cave-Lake is a uniqueexperience that combines natural beauty with historicalinterest. Visitors can reach the cave by car or taxi fromSami or Argostoli. The best time to visit is betweenMay and October. If you’re in Kefalonia, this is a must-see destination to witness its unparalleled beauty.*Brackish water is a mix of freshwater andseawater. Areas with brackish water are richin nutrients and oxygen, supporting highbiodiversity.5 Scientific AnswersRobotsRobots are among the most exciting achievements of modern technology. But what exactly isa robot? A robot is any mechanical device that can substitute for humans in various tasks. Arobot can operate under the direct control of a human or autonomously under the control ofa programmed computer.Robots can be used to perform tasks that are either difficult or dangerous for humans to dodirectly. In other cases, they are used to perform tasks faster or cheaper than humans. Thus,they can be used in the automated production of large quantities of a product at a lower cost(for example, in production lines).Here are some interesting facts about robots:1.Automation and Precision: Robots are widely used inindustry to perform tasks with consistency and precisionthat are difficult or dangerous for humans.2. Flexibility: With technological advancements, robotshave become more flexible, able to adapt to various tasks and environments.3. Automated Assistants: Robots are also finding applications in our daily lives, such asrobotic cleaners and personal assistants that can help with household chores.4. Exploration: Robots are used for exploring hard-to-reach or dangerous areas, from thedepths of the oceans to outer space.5.Artificial Intelligence (AI): The integration of AI in robots allows them to make morecomplex decisions, learn from their experiences, and communicate with humans in a morenatural way. In the future, we might see robots assisting in even more daily activities, such ascooking our meals or taking care of the elderly.Robots are designed to perform specific tasks automatically or under human control. Thereare many types of robots, and they are used in various fields. Below you will find some basicinformation about robots:1. Types of Robots:6 Scientific Answers• Industrial Robots: Used in industry for manufacturing products in factories. They havemechanical arms and can perform repetitive tasks, such as welding or assembly.• Service Robots: These robots help people with daily tasks. They can be cleaning robots,like robotic vacuums, or robots that assist in medical procedures.• Rescue Robots: Used in dangerous situations, such as disasters, to help search and rescuepeople.• Humanoid Robots: Designed to resemble humans and perform tasks such as speaking,walking, and interacting with their environment.• Exploration Robots: Used to explore areas that are difficult for humans to reach, such asspace or deep oceans.2. Characteristics of Robots:• Sensors: Robots have sensors that allow them to perceive their environment. Thesesensors can measure light, sound, movement, or even temperature.• Actuators: These are mechanisms that allow robots to move or manipulate objects, such asmechanical arms or wheels.• Software and Artificial Intelligence (AI): The most advanced robots have software with AIthat allows them to make decisions and learn from their environment.3. Uses of Robots:• Industry: Used in factories for assembling and producing products. Robots can performcomplex processes with precision and speed.• Healthcare: Robots assist (a robot cannot perform surgery alone) in surgeries, distributemedications, or even care for patients.• Military: Used for surveillance, bomb disposal, or even combat.• Space: Robots like NASA's Rover explore Mars and other planets, collecting data thathumans cannot obtain.Scientists and engineers working on these technologies are developing robots that can movenaturally like humans, but this remains a significant challenge. They are also working on7 Scientific Answersdeveloping AI systems that will allow robots to understand complex instructions and makeindependent decisions. This is an area of ongoing research.4. The Future of Robots:The future of robots includes devices that can operate entirely autonomously, without theneed for human intervention, known as Autonomous Robots. Robots that can interact withhumans naturally and provide social companionship, known as Social Robots. Additionally,tiny robots that can be used in medicine to enter the body and repair cells or deliver drugs.Many robots have left their mark on history. One of the most famous is Honda's ASIMO, thefirst humanoid robot that could walk and perform tasks like serving coffee. Also, NASA'sMars Rover, a robot exploring the surface of Mars, has provided us with valuable informationabout the Red Planet.Do you want to build your own robot? You can start with simple tools like Scratch or LEGOMindstorms. There are also kits that contain materials such as wheels, motors, sensors,microbits, etc. Alternatively, there are robotics classes in afternoon workshops throughoutthe year. Robotics is very interesting and fun! You can program your robot to perform asimple command, like following a line or avoiding obstacles. It's like giving your robot asmall 'brain' that tells it what to do!How to Create a Simple Robot Using Everyday MaterialsYou can build a simple robot using everyday materials such as cardboard, small motors, andbatteries. For example, you can create a robotic arm that moves when you press a button. It’sa fun way to learn how robots work!ConclusionRobots are more than just machines—they’re the mechanical friends of our future. Whetherthey’re helping to build cars or exploring space, robots are here to stay. Who knows? Maybeone day, you’ll create your own robot that changes the world!8 Scientific AnswersThe Ethical Dilemma of Robots: Should We Make Robots Look Like Humans?As robots become increasingly intelligent, an important question arises: should robots lookand behave like humans? It’s essential to consider the consequences of creating robots thatclosely resemble us. Could this help humanity, or might it introduce new challenges?9 Scientific AnswersThe Human BrainThe brain is the control center of our body. It is located inside the skulland floats in a liquid called cerebrospinal fluid. Its shape resembles a large walnut. Itcommunicates with the rest of the body through “wires” called nervesand through hormones. Neural signals can travel at speeds of up to428 km/h.The brain is roughly the size of two fists and weighs between 1,250and 1,600 grams. Heavier individuals tend to have heavier brains. Men’s brains are heavierthan women’s, but the weight of the brain has no connection to intelligence. About 60% ofthe brain consists of fatty acids.The brain is divided into three parts: the cerebellum, the brainstem, and the cerebral cortex.• The cerebellum is responsible for balance, movement, and coordination.• The brainstem controls digestion and ensures that the heart and breathing do notstop.• The cerebral cortex is the outer layer that consists of neurons, which you’ll readabout below.10parietal lobeFrontal lobe,temporal lobe,occipital lobe. Scientific AnswersThe brain is also divided into two hemispheres, the right and the left. Each hemispherecontrols the opposite side of the body.• The left hemisphere is responsible for calculations, numbers, analyzing whysomething happens, and speech.• The right hemisphere governs intuition, emotionalthinking, creativity, art, and music.This applies to right-handed people. For left-handed individuals, theroles are reversed.The two hemispheres are further divided into four lobes, eachresponsible for specific functions:• The frontal lobe helps us plan, control emotions, andcoordinate movements.• The parietal lobe interprets bodily sensations and gives meaning to what we feel.• The temporal lobe is responsible for memory,recognizing people, and recalling what we’ve learned.• The occipital lobe processes visual information.The brain (cerebral cortex) is made up of millions of nerve cellscalled neurons. The more we learn, the more neurons connect witheach other. Learning something new, therefore, changes thebrain’s structure!Note: New nerve cells cannot form inadulthood. So, if a neuron ages or gets damaged, it cannot bereplaced.The brain uses about 20 watts of energy per day—equivalent to the energy required to power a simplehousehold light bulb. This energy comes from thefood we eat. The more we eat, the more energy wegain, which we then expend through activities like exercising or walking.11The Function of the Brain as Seen in PositronEmission Tomography (PET Scan)The Anatomy of the Brain as Seen inMagnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Scientific AnswersSleepExtra Mini ChapterNo one truly knows why we need sleep. It’sbelieved that the brain requires it to organize experiences from the day and enhancelearning.Good sleep is directly linked to good health. It affects many bodily, mental, and emotionalfunctions. For example, difficulty remembering something or feeling irritable is often due topoor sleep quality. Sleep also impacts performance, recovery, and even weight. For instance,someone who eats well and exercises might struggle to lose weight simply because they don’tsleep enough.On average, a person needs 8 hours of sleep, though this varies with age. Duringdevelopmental stages, children require more sleep. Additionally, specific situations, such asrecovering from surgery or dealing with stress, may increase the need for sleep. Lack ofsleep has been linked to strokes, diabetes, and even cancer. Genetics also play a role—somepeople are predisposed to need more or less sleep, regardless of their habits.How to Sleep WellThe position in which we sleep significantly impacts the quality of our sleep. There’s nosingle ideal position for everyone:• About 75% of people sleep on their side, 10% on their stomach, and 15% ontheir back.• Sleeping on the left side usually aids digestion.12 Scientific Answers• Sleeping on your back can be very beneficial,especially for those recovering from surgery, as it provides properspinal alignment. However, it may worsen snoring or sleep apnea.• Sleeping on your stomach is generally notrecommended, as it can cause back and neck pain.Additionally, your mattress and pillow are crucial for good sleep.Their quality and lifespan should be considered. A mattress shouldbe replaced every 8–10 years. Synthetic pillows should be replaced every six months, whilenatural ones every 2–3 years.Pro Tip: Drinking milk, eating cheese, or snacking on pistachios can help induce sleep.Πηγή για τον ύπνο: Η ΚΑΘΗΜΕΡΙΝΗ (εκτός από τον πρόλογο)[διασκευή]13 Scientific AnswersQuiz!1. Where are underwater stalagmites found in a cave?A) At the bottom of the lake.B) Below the water’s surface.C) On top of rocks.2. Due to the presence of lakes, the humidity in caves approaches…A) 100%.B) 76%.C) 50%.3. Do “autonomous robots” exist today?A) Yes, but only in America.B) Yes (in all countries).C) No.4. Should we build robots that resemble humans?A) No one knows; no definite decision has been made, only various opinions.B) No, because they might launch a campaign against us.C) Yes, to help us with tasks and provide companionship.5. What does the right hemisphere of the brain control in a left-handed person?14 Scientific AnswersA) The right side of the body.B) The left side of the body.C) The whole body.6. How much energy does the brain use in 24 hours?A) 50 watts.B) 10 watts.C) 20 watts.7. If we sleep… we aid digestion.A) On the left side.B) On the right side.C) On our back.8. …% of us sleep on our stomach.A) 75%.B) 15%.C) 10%.15 Scientific AnswersAnswers1. = B2. = A3. = C4. = ACraftMake a Brain Cell Decoration!Materials:• 2-3 pipe cleaners (it's recommended that one is a differentcolor from the others)• Scissors16Sneak Peak!See the image that will be on the cover of issue5, before it is released!The topics will be about: human eyes, the polsof earth and one more topic…5. = B6. = C7. = A8. = CCut the pipe cleaners ofthe same color so that youhave at least 6 smallpieces.Bend the small pieces inhalf.Place the bent piecesonto the large one.It’s ready! Scientific AnswersScientific Answers4In our magazine, you will find useful information about caves, robots,and the human brain, as well as a small extra chapter. By reading it, youwill discover things you didn’t even know existed! Keep the informationin mind because there will be a quiz.Editors: Zeta and Maritina17