Don’t you just love it when you have a nice family picnic in the park? One of the best things aboutthese special days is all the tasty food. Another fun thing is playing games with your friends andcousins who are there. But the best thing about a family picnic in the park is getting to spend timewith people we love in a fun place. And finally, the last thing is having a conversation and a goodtime. All of these things make a great time and it is a great idea to have a family picnic.Delicious food is one of the main ingredients to make a great picnic. If you are grilling, ahamburger that is thick, juicy, tasty, and satisfying can be one of the main foods that you can eat atthe picnic. Another type of food that you can eat are hot dogs with ketchup, and mustard on themwith of course the soft, squishy bread. Salty, crunchy potato chips are also a great snack to have atyour family picnic. And of course, a sweet dessert, like big, chewy chocolate chip cookies can tastelike heaven, too.The fun exciting games you play with your family also make for a great experience. A bean bagtoss can be a lot of fun because you get to throw with your friends and try to beat each other. Tryingto get the little bean bag in the hole to win is what makes it exciting and competitive. A secondchallenging game is football with the running and pace, and throwing the ball to the player to getpoints. You can also play some soccer in which players who try to shoot the ball into the net for agoal. The skill moves and electrifying plays, and running are what makes the game entertaining.The best thing about a family picnic though is the time you spend together. The talking youdo is fun because you might always have someone who tells the silliest, craziest jokes. Anotherthing that you can talk about with your cousins is what are they doing in school and what are theirfavorite things to do. A third thing to talk about with your family is what plans are they doing forthemselves, like any exciting vacations they may be taking soon. And finally, conversations withyour family matter because you are getting interactive and spending time together.In conclusion, having a family picnic with your family is something enjoyable to do. During afamily picnic, there will always be something to do or have like food, games, and havingconversations with your family and friends. Family picnics can be the best time when it is a nice andsunny day with the birds chirping and singing, while you are having a great time. Family picnics aresomething important because you see your family and friends, instead of being at home onelectronics and computers. So for all of these reasons, I think family picnics are somethingenjoyable to do.