Poem: He Is by me
When I take my anger out on somebody innocent, He is still good to me
When I swear or sin, He is still good to me
When I plan revenge on somebody, He is still good to me
When I become impatient, He is still good to me
When I blame Him for something, He is still good to me
When I don’t listen to Him, He is still good to me
When I look at someone full of hatred, disgust, and anger, He is still good to me
When I hold a grudge on someone, He is still good to me
When I let Satan convince me a lie, He is still good to me
When I thought of self-harm, He was and still is good to me
When I said his name in vain, He is still good to me
When I said his son’s name in vain, He is still good to me
You can’t be deserving of His love or be worthy enough. You don’t have to be worthy enough to get
into Heaven. The only thing you have to do is accept Him into your heart.