I was led with the others to a arena where many spirits and skeletons watched.Hades spoke to Astraea but I was to focused on figuring out strategies. Iwatched as a massive dragon entered the arena. Its scales rippled in thedarkness and light. Did you know with every kill it grows stronger and bigger. Isay softly, mostly to myself. Astraea looked at me. oh that’s lovely! good to knowI signed my boyfriend up for that. She says. Wait! You… and Cole?! Devin saidwith a shocked look on his face. I almost rolled my eyes. Tyler made a joke on abet he made about them and me and Nika laughed. Cole stepped out in hisarmor and Astraea smiled. He gave the dragon a look. Whoa. I say He’s jacked.Nika whistles. Devin made comment as well but I was too focused on the arena.The dragon was easily 20 times bigger than Cole. I saw Astraea come to thesame conclusion and close her eyes in silent prayers. I put my hand on her backto comfort her. I suddenly have conviction that he will live. He’s fine. I tell her.Dont lie. We hope he will be fine. Nika says, engrossed in the two championscircle. Astraea looked torn and I glared at Nika. Nika, we have to have faith. Itell her as the bell rings. I didnt know if she heard it or not but we all turnedto the arena floor. The dragon breathed blue flames and I heard Cole swearloudly. Cole ducked and used his shield to block the flames but the force pushedhim back. Cole stood there trying the think but with incredible speed, thedragon knocked him back several feet. He hit the wall with a thud and theundead crowd cheered. All determination disappeared. That’s your champion? Iask Astraea. She didnt answer but stared hard at Cole. I looked back and saw achange in Cole. His eyes were starting to glow red. The dragon charged again butCole was somehow ready and punched the beast with so much force it sent thebeast to the other side of the arena. Impossible. I think and try to explain it.That’s not possible. Nika says. Astraea and Hades share a look. Its not what yourthinking. Hades tells her. Cole was reckless walking toward the dragon withouthis shield. The dragon prepares his firey weapon but Cole shuts his mouth closed.This tiny demigod was holding a massive dragons mouth closed! Astraea says, ihope he can keep this up. Nika makes a good point. We’re all demigods. He canonly keep this up for a few more minutes. Nika says. That… is no demigod. Hadessays, his voice making my blood run cold. Then how did he get to Camp Halfblood? Devin asks. good question. I think. I don’t know boy. Hades snarls at him.The dragon claws Cole and I wince as blood starts flowing. Devin looks pale at The blood. Regardless, Cole gruesomely stabs the dragon in the eye but wasbucked by the dragon. Cole stabs the dragon again and rolls out of thedragons stomping feet. I could tell Cole was running on empty but he usesthe last bit to break the dragons open jaw. I loud CRACK fills the arena.Devin vomited on Tyler but I just sat there puzzling. Cole jumps up anddelivers the death blow. Memories of me preforming the same kill blowrushed at me and I forced myself to keep my stomach and breathing calm.I hoped no one noticed my moment and was thankful they were all tofocused on Cole. Spirits lead him away and one called for Astraea. Wefollowed her to a room where Cole sat, panting and his chest covered inblood. Devin handed Astraea a glass bottle filled with the same golden liquidhe used to heal me. Nectar was what it was called. She handed it to Colewhich he drank gratefully. I notice his wounds start to close up. Hades wasbehind me and stepped further in the room. I was happy to let him walkfarther away from me, the guy gave me the creeps. Im impressed but youdidnt kill the dragon. Everyone but me stood shocked but I had read aboutThanatos and knew what he was talking about. Cole deflated and we alllaughed. All of us were led out of the underworld by Hades.