Note Sep 23, 2022
he 12 Biblcal Eras
Era 1 creation Era 2 Patriarch
creationmanis createdin theimageof God Abraham Fatherof Hebrew people
Fall sinenterdtheworld Isaac secondfatherof thepromise
FloodJudgment for sin Jacob Fatherof thenation of Israel
tower Beginningof thenations
Joseph Leader in Egypt
Era 3 Exodus
Deliverance Freedomfromslavery in Egypt Jordan A miraculouspartingofwater
Thelaw God'scommandments atmountsinai
Era 4 Conquest
p Dominion Finalizingdominion
Era5 Judges
Judges theleadersofIsrael David greatestking in thenewmonarchy
Rebellion the breakingofgoa an
Era 6 Kingdom
cycles repetitionof Israel'smisfortunes Exile God sends theminto exile to pay for their
Era 7 Exile
Dream Danielinterprates the kingsdream Main Person Ezra
Daniel leadsthemthoughex
Era 8 Return
Cyprus Letsthemgobackto their home to rebuild
70years Danielgavethemhopefortoyears thetempal buttheyareunderhisrule
Cyprus letsthemrulethemselvesundertheirreligion Ezra leadsthemback to the promise land
Era10 Gosples
Pharisees areinterpratingthebibleandtocommanments
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seeshavethemunderverystrictrules Earlyministry Inital aceptanee
skings orsavingthemem
e no tobaptism
silence God isn't talkingto his peoplesendingjudgesLaterministry Growingrejection
Deathandresurrection Final rejection
Era 17 Church
Asencion Jesus Acends toheaven Mainperson Paul
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Peter has a calling Location RomanEmpire
Missions Paulexpands the churchintothe RomanEmpire