he 12 Biblcal ErasEra 1 creation Era 2 Patriarchcreationmanis createdin theimageof God Abraham Fatherof Hebrew peopleFall sinenterdtheworld Isaac secondfatherof thepromiseFloodJudgment for sin Jacob Fatherof thenation of Israeltower Beginningof thenationsJoseph Leader in EgyptEra 3 ExodusDeliverance Freedomfromslavery in Egypt Jordan A miraculouspartingofwaterThelaw God'scommandments atmountsinaiKadeshBareapEra 4 ConquestConquestthedeterofCanaanp Dominion FinalizingdominionEra5 JudgesJudges theleadersofIsrael David greatestking in thenewmonarchyRebellion the breakingofgoa anEra 6 Kingdomcycles repetitionof Israel'smisfortunes Exile God sends theminto exile to pay for theirsinsEra 7 ExileDream Danielinterprates the kingsdream Main Person EzraDaniel leadsthemthoughexEra 8 ReturnCyprus Letsthemgobackto their home to rebuild70years Danielgavethemhopefortoyears thetempal buttheyareunderhisruleCyprus letsthemrulethemselvesundertheirreligion Ezra leadsthemback to the promise landEra10 GosplesPharisees areinterpratingthebibleandtocommanmentsji npffseeshavethemunderverystrictrules Earlyministry Inital aceptaneeskings orsavingthememe no tobaptismsilence God isn't talkingto his peoplesendingjudgesLaterministry GrowingrejectionDeathandresurrection Final rejectionEra 17 ChurchAsencion Jesus Acends toheaven Mainperson Paulam py y y ydPeter has a calling Location RomanEmpireMissions Paulexpands the churchintothe RomanEmpire