She got back and explained a new plan for her to be apart of both campsthrough some ambassador thing. I was too tired to fully understand. Theyall hugged. Dev and I realized we had no way to get back. I can call mydad. Dev offers and grabs something out of his pocket and headed to anearby tree to talk to Apollo. He finished and nodded to me. We watchedthe whole CJ moment and me and Dev shared a look when they kissed.Cypher was bright red when she headed off to grab her stuff. We walkedover. Leo can’t bring us back so I called my dad up. And he said he’ll takeus back. Dev told them. What then? Evelyn asks. I smile. Well after camp,we go home. I tell her. And you guys have the baby! She says excitedly.Me and Dev smile and he ran his fingers through my hair. We all walkedback when Cypher stopped suddenly. He shook his head. Guys. He croaked.I started to panic and Dev went into doctor mode. What wrong? Seizure?He asks him. He shook his head and held his face. He fell to his knees andDev yelled his name. I held Evelyn who was shaking. WE need help! Devyells to me. Cypher ripped his eyepatch off and green mist poured out.He blacked out but eerie words came out of his mouth.Flowers of death shall seal their fateHero’s souls will open the gatesA by a Satyrs lie monsters part wayTwo days to travel by seaFive days to find themselvesIf they fail the giants will raise.We all stopped. Not another prophecy. I think and rush over to Cypher’scrumpled body. He was breathing regularly but Dev still called to Frank toget help. They took him away on a stretcher to the healers. Evelyn heldhis hand the whole time.