IONIC BONDScommunity note 8 sept 26 2 234KEY TERMSanion cationa negativelycharged ion apositively charged ionbond coulomb's lawwhenatoms are heldtogetherin oppositechargesattractmolecules when ions are held similarchargesrepeltogether in latticescovalentbondbond lengthdistancebetweenbondednuclei sharingelectronsbetweennucleinecessary to break a sonth resultsfrombond strength electronegativitydeterminedbyhowmuchenergyis atom's abilityto attract electronsto itselfGENERAL NOT ESwhat is an ionic bondtheresult of a mutualattractionbetween oppositely charged ionsstronger thancovalentbondscompounds form crystallattices ofalternatingcations anionsFormedbetweenatomswhoseelectronegativity difference is significantlylargehow are ionic bonds formed1 highlyelectronegative atom highlyelectropositive atom bondresults in electrontransfer positive negative2 one cation and one anion are createdtheseattract one another to maintain thebondColumb's law TITLE I S U B J E CTsubtitle or class namedatemonth day yearKEY TERMSkey term 1 key term 4includequickdefinitions of adjustsection size byterms concepts here using the select tool andmoving the dividerkey term 2you can also use this space toinclude pictures diagramskey term 3turn this into a studyguidebyhiding terms with tapeGENERAL NOTESheader or main idea Imain titles pen red 1351515 size 8subtitles headers pen orange CB67QE size 5notes pen brown 724205 size 3highlighter tan E4BF87 size11header or main idea 2highlightkeywords toindicatesignificance and furtherdefinethem in the abovesectionrestructure layout as neededswitchpentopenciltool for more texturehappynotetakingmore fall themed stickers