AI11nkhhtn.dkITheHEFerretMask,‘erie? are we missinganything any herbs? ill,notify the deputy tosend out an herbpatrol!’a simple sweet she witha knack of helpingwhen not neededvery protective andloyal to her clan anddespises loners/roguesalso very easy to getangry or irritated “I don’t know, ferretmask. I believe we need morerosemary, but I’m not sure.”-Erie“I’ll go fetch some then, no need for a whole herb patrol!” she mewed whiletrotting out the den“Danke!” Erie yells after her, while taking inventory.she walks out the camp smelling a rosemary bush near; she follows thescent grabbing about 3 heads or rosemary and retreating to camp“ hey i’m back! i got about three, “ ferretmask drops the herbs into the pile“Ah, perfect!” Erie says, turning around, somethyme in his mouthshe smiles, noticing no one in the den, “i took TrueFate with me.. and didwe get any cats in today while i was out or no cats were harmed? “ sheasked seeing if she missed out on anything “No, but I found this really cool plant!” Erie says,while dragging out some catnip. “It tickles mybrain!”“that’s not good.. “ she grabs the mysterious herb and sniffs it, “i think thisis catnip, formerly known as catmint it’s used to loosen your nerves andrelax you when in stress.” she purred“Ehehehe, pretty bird…” Erie says, kneeding at thesky,“did you even- ugh erie… “ she gently grabs them by the scruff layingthem on a nest “ now stay here, we have to wait until it wears off!” shecommands her eye twitchingErie ends up rolling out of the nest, and into a fieldof flowers, still high“erie- “ she said sternly getting angry“Ehhh” Erie says, getting sober again “oh, I don’tfeel too good…”ferret grabbed some yarrow and placed it by erie “ eat this, “ shecommanded“Oh, than-“ Erie gets cut off by him throwing up,and then he quickly pushed the yarrow down. “ well if you ate the yarrow you would’ve thrown up anyways..” shestepped back not to step into what he has just gagged up.. “ just go sit inthe nest i’ll serve you”“No, no. I’m good.” Erie says, making his way backto the villiageshe grabbed erie by the tail pulling him back “ i swear you’re so stubborn!it’s for your own good just rest up today i’ll handle it.”“I’m fiiiiinnnnneeeee” Erie says, trying to leaveagain, even if he ISNT fine.“don’t make me report this to the leader and then you will have to be puton hold! “ she yowls“Screw them! I’m going back….” Erie says, not inhis right mind.Erie yells from somewhere in the woods “YES!WHERE HAVE I GONE?!”iLionstar appears suddenly. “Ferretmask! What is going on?Where did Erie go?”“I'm going to follow Erie’s scent… I hope he's nothigh anymore…” Lionstar said.