An update abt this summer :]
Hello! This is gonna be a typed post bc writing everything would be tiring. Anyway, yes,
I’m back! I am so happy and excited to post my art (and rant) again. To be honest, my art
style has grown better. I haven’t been good this summer, stuck in my room, inside,
depressed. School is my only happiness, which in hindsight makes me sound like a
teacher’s pet and a pick me but my parents make me feel like sh*t and school is my only
getaway. I’ve got back into running, art, and even band. I literally broke down crying today
at Walmart because my dad told me while me and my sister were looking at posters and
he told yelled at me, “I don’t know WHAT you’re doing, but the security guard ( just a
regular employee) is staring at you. I was already sad before but that was my breaking
point. I had a hoodie I wanted in my arms and when I went to put it back, I sat in the
empty backpack aisle and cried. I wiped my tears and went back. My mom wanted me to
try on a shirt and pants so I went into the dressing room, looked into the mirror and cried.
I looked homeless. Honestly my parents aren’t in the best situation with money so I’m
honestly grateful that I went shopping for clothes but my shoes were dirty, my pants were
ripped and baggy and my shirt was oversized. I am honestly sad. But my dad acted so
happy the rest of the night. Also, my cat went missing. This was after my vacation. My
moms friend took care of the house and the my cat went missing, the house was a mess
with cat poop and vomit everywhere, bedbugs and more than $200 in damages. I miss
him (my cat) so much and I’ll post pics of him soon but he needs his medicine and he
went missing weeks ago. This summer sucked and I regret going on vacation. I missed
you all!