Q+A Pt. 1
Answers to My Q+A
Q: What’s ur fav color? @juju_the_swiftie
A: Anything pastel, pink, blue, and yellow
Q: Favorite song and/or artist? @lilywopata
A: Lauren Diagle and “You Say”
Q: Fav subject in school? @lilywopata
A: Bible, Math, and P.E.
Q: What sports do you do? @lilywopata
A: Martial Arts, Volleyball, and Track
Q: Are you in any after school activities? @lilywopata
A: If that includes Track then yes. If not then no.
Q: R u sus? @jolteonrules
A: I don’t really know what you mean but no.
Q: Opinion on manga? @dockat
A: If I am being honest I don’t really know what manga is.