Soooo this is a rant. Keep scrolling if u want. Anyways I want to talk about some people in my friendgroup. I don’t want to say their names for privacy reasons so we’ll just call them S and D. Sobasically S keeps interrupting me and my friends conversations. It mainly isn’t a big deal and I just tellher to wait but this is different. She keeps trying to show me comics that she makes WHILE I’MTALKING. It would be like: (me and my friend talking about life n stuff) “Hey *deadname*! Look at mynew TSAMS comic!” “Not now S i’m talking.” “Just look *deadname*!” “NO S. I already told you no.”And stuff like that. Also she CONSTANTLY deadnames me. Like, if i have a preferred name at the timeshe will completely ignore it and when i say something she says sorry but she never means it. S hasbeen very annoying lately. Next up is D. We are planning on kicking him out of the friend group soonbecause he has been hitting/punching us and we’ve had enough. As an example: One day my schoolhad a cowboy day and he wore cowboy boots to school. Not a big deal right? WRONG. He startedkicking everyone with the heels of his boots and some of us started bleeding, he kicked us so hard.Also he heard us saying that we were going to tell the vice principal about what he did and he said “ifthe entire friend group doesn’t apologize too me in gonna punch the apologies out of you guys.”LIKE HUH??!! YOU ARE A TOOTHPICK. LIKE, ONE GUST OF WIND CAN BLOW YOU AWAY.Anyway that’s all for now. Byeee!-Milo