We all got our bags and, two busses picked us up. There was a girls and boys buss, and I was alittle disappointed. I sat down next to Ashlyn, who seemed very red.“What’s wrong?”She looked up me, but shook her head, and bit back a smile.“Ashlyn! What happened…” She shook her head again. It took me a good second to realize hermom was sitting near by. “Oh… OH! Did you guys…”She nodded her head, as the buss started on its way to dinner. “It happened so fast, but timeslowed down like a movie and—.” She cut herself off and looked at her mom. “Mom doesn’t like theidea of me dating. Ever since dad left… I don’t even talk about Austin with her.” She explainedsoftly.I nodded and looked down. “Was it enjoyable?” I said trying to lighten the mood. Ashlyn’s face wentred, and she smiled.“You could say it was. How was holding hands with Griffon?”My face burned up, as the buss came to a stop. She smiled and patted my back. “I know you andAustin set me up.” I finally said.She shrugged and nodded. “Okay and? I’ve been waiting since eighth grade, AKA when I got to thisschool.”I rolled my eyes, and got off the buss with her. “I already told you, I don’t think he does.” I said withannoyance.“Gurl… your blind!”“Gurl?”“Yes gurl. I’m gonna call you that until you can see again.” She said waking me upside the head. Irolled my eyes and watched as the boys buss parked next at this restaurant. The boys go off, andAustin was carrying an angered Griffon over his shoulder.“I could have gotten off by my self!” He hissed.Austin smiled and walked over. “Hey ladies.”“PUT ME DOWN!”“We have a code seven, which is angry paralyzed man,”“DUDE!”“And he seems to hate his best mate at the moment.”“I DO, OUT ME DOWN!”Griffon’s father came over, and smiled at us all. “You all are crazy.” He said unfolding Griffon’swheelchair. Austin flipped Griffon over into the chair, and when he tried to help him, Griffon smackedhim away.“Go away dude!” He said pushing him away.We all went inside, and I was surprised it was a sausage restaurant. I looked over at Austin, who seemed really excited.“Is sausage German?”He nodded his head violently, with a grin. “They invited the best food on the planet mate!” He saidrunning to a table. We all followed, and Ashlyn sat next to him. I sat down, and helped Griffon intothe seat next to me. I looked at Ashlyn who smirked at me, and I rolled my eyes.(Griffon)We ended up order’n, and you won’t believe what we ordered. Sausage. Oh my gosh! No way! Wow,I had no idea they sold sausage at a sausage place!To be honest, we all ordered different sausage. I got honey, Ashlyn got mint, Austin got jalapeño,and Nicky got maple. I looked at Austin who pulled out his phone. My phone buzzed and I looked athis text. I looked up at the smirking guy and shook my head. The guy wanted me to kiss her. He wascrazy.“Anyways, how was the plane ride?” Ashlyn asked.I shrugged. “I can’t feel anything from my waist down, so I can’t say if the seats were bad.” I saidsoftly.My face soon went red, as Nicky chuckled. Soon, we all found ourselves giggl’n.“The seats were fine, I just wished they had a tv.” Nicky said smiling. Ashlyn and Austin nodded theirheads.“How many times did y’all watch titanic?” I asked“Like three.” Ashlyn said looking at Austin. His face went red, and I laughed.“How many times did you cry?” I asked, as his face went purple from blush’n so much.“To many. It was really funny.” Ashlyn said giving her mischievous grin. Austin glared at her for asecond before roll’n his eyes.“Why did you guys watch titanic?” Nicky asked taking a bite of her sausage.“Because we can.” Austin said shrugging.“Nah, it’s because you ain’t gonna say no to Ashlyn over there. You don’t have the guts, and if youdid, y’all two would’ve been fight’s the whole metal tube of death ride.”Everyone looked at me as Nicky bursted out laugh’n. Ugh! Why did the girl have to have a greatlaugh?! It made me go red, and I hated it! Austin looked at me, and nodded his head, as Ashlynwalked the back of his head.“You guys suck.” She said holing back a smile.