Random Q&A because I’m bored
Hello there, hru doing today
That’s just delightful (take it sarcastically if needed)
What’s your favorite tree species?
Are you single? /jjjj /mj
Rate your family on any scale that’s not 1-10. For example, on a scale from mcdonalds
chicken nuggets to milkshake, my family would be a hamburger with nothing on it.
What’s your favorite number of the alphabet?
If you had to change your username to something totally different what would you choose?
What color is your shirt right now?
If you were to step outside right now, considering the clothes you’re wearing, would you feel
cold, hot, or neither?
If you had to get a tattoo what tattoo would you get?
If you were to guess the amount of hairs on your head how many would you say there are
What’s your lucky number? (You have to choose one)
What’s your unlucky number?
How tall are your socks? (If you’re wearing any)
I'm lonely
Birch fsf
no im togetheras afeather
frompegewto bragging myfamily is blackberry
42 7 6 42 My
probably Fetch
grey it's a P E ShirtTMT
above ankle