Sex/Gender: FemaleAge: 18 - Born 21st of May.Appearance: Light purple hair (hex code: #BFB1D9) a red-ishtint to her skin (hex code: #FEDDDE) bright red eyes, wearsa black Lolita-inspired dress with re accents of flowers andstreamers. Deer antlers and a deer tail in the same color asher hair. Her hair goes down to her mid-back. She has fulllips and an arched nose with prominent canine teeth.------------------------Personal StatusSocial Class: Upper class.Education: A+ grade student.Job: Assassin - 80% satisfied but decreasingFinancial status: Well-off.------------------------Personal viewsReligious view: Atheist.World view: Optimist.Gender bias: "Men and women are equal".Quote: “Honesty without kindness is brutality. Kindness without honesty is manipulation.” - the last thing Elpos’ mom told her------------------------TraitsPhysical/Health: Has no notable health issues.Quirks: Always complains about things being unfair, bites her thumb, and underspends when shopping.Likes: Helping cook meals, fundraising, and learning magic tricks.Dislikes: Being tickled, being physically hurt, and slow replies.Afraid of: Gaining weight (Obesophobia)Self-satisfaction: 95%.Fitness level: 99%.Motivator: Rejection.Skills: Excels at organisation. Good at diving.------------------------FavouritesColours: Likes Black.Music: Likes Western and Jungle.Foods: Home-made foodBook Genre: FantasyAnimal: KingfisherPowersPower Type 1: Psychic 1 - Confuse ray. (Emit a psychic blast that has a lasting confusing effect of targets)2 - Super empathy. (Feel the emotions and metal state of others)------------------------Power Type 2: Supernatural1 - Vampire. (Become a blood-sucking, immortal being weak to sunlight and certain holy items)2 - Ancient one. (Live a life 600 times longer than normal)------------------------Power Type 3: Acid Control (Elemental)1 - Acid bridge. (Create a sturdy, solid, moveable platform or bridge of acid)2 - Acid master. (Complete control over acids; create, grow, shrink, move, remove)****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******Power | Power origin | Skill Level:1st | Mixed species | High2nd | Blessing (Deliberately acquired) | Average3rd | Natural power since birth | High---Strengthened by: Pressure of any kindWeakened by: —-****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******Character traitsThey:1. Have a musical voice.2. Always wear the same outfit.3. Always tries to stay clean.4. Follow their own moral code.5. Snore when sleeping.6. Daydream constantly.7.Use large words that not many people have heard of/understand.8. Tell everyone they have killed a man with their bare hands, has done it but no one believes her.9. Drool when hungry/excited.10. Usually look in their pocket mirror.11. Often accidentally slip into another language when speaking.12. Hate the smell of sweat.13. Are never looking for a fight.14. Are the first to investigate.15. Can usually diffuse bad situations easily. Personality****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******Personality Type: INFP - The Healer(Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving)------------------------Friendliness: Privacy-consciousHonesty: BluntAssertiveness: NervousConfidence / Ego: Humble------------------------Agreeableness: HarmonicManners: Well-manneredDiscipline: PersistentRebelliousness: Law-abiding------------------------Emotional capacity: CompassionateIntelligence: TheoreticalPositivity: IdealisticActiveness / Lifestyle: Hyperactive------------------------Job SpecificationsSector: IllegalPosition: AssassinDescription: A person who eliminates targets with precision and efficiency.Level: N/AType: Full-Time WorkHours Per Week: 41Hourly Rate: $70.93 / £49.60Per Annum Approx: $151,223 / £105,747Distance From Home: 3.4 miles / 5.47 kmEmployee BenefitsPromotions: HardOvertime: NoUnpaid Holiday: 57 daysPaid Holiday: 9 daysParental Leave: YesChildcare: NoHealthcare: No Sick Leave: 0 daysEqual Opportunities: YesCompany Morality: GoodWorker Satisfaction: 37%Company Reputation: Neutral