There once was a little boy named Harold and he met a kid named Austin. They both went to thesame school where Harold and Austin became best friends in 7th grade. One day Harold had theidea to play a little joke on Austin. They were in the hallway, but Austin didn’t know Harold wasthere. Harold flipped off the light switch and put on an scary clown mask. Austin was confused andcautiously walking. Harold was sneaking behind Austin carefully making sure that he didn’t make asound. It was time for Harold to pull a fast one. Harold jumped out and scared Austin, but heaccidentally scared Austin so much that he fell backwards. Harold put the mask in his pocket andtook off running. Later that day Harold was called up to the front office, the Dean asked“Harold, do you have something to say?”Harold said“No, Why?” She brought Harold to her office. She turned on her TV and put the camera recordingon the TV screen. Harold watched in horror as Austin laid motionlessly on the ground. A puff ofwhite smoke made it impossible to see but the lights turned back on and the smoke went away as awhite figure left Austin’s body, it was wearing snakeskin boots with spurs, black jeans, a blackleather jacket, and had white glowing wings. Harold watched the figure walked towards the cameraand flew to the camera and whispered in Austin’s voice“They know what you did Harold, you can’t escape”. Harold started running but he woke up in hisbed holding the mask and there was white feathers in his bed. The next day Austin walked up toHarold holding feathers and asked“Have you seen these before?” Harold ran screaming,“NOOOOOOOO!” Austin wondered,“Why is Harold so scared of duck feathers?”