DoyouhareaCRUStt Bingotheysmile you pretend you'rethat you aboutthematyouand'tfind themannoyingtdreamedconstantly abgetmmakesyourdayyou blushtroubleyouare in you'rewhenevertheywhentheygetyd so likedenialthattheydid toembarrass toimaginetalktoyou yourselfaround thatyou'resomethingwrong togetherthis'Toyaderecyoucatch youstubtlythemstaring wheneversomeone gomentions them watchthem tryat youandyour tolooknicebrainexplodes gov immediatelystarteavesdropping in the toimpresshalls themwhen someoneyou catch you youfinds out yourself have knowthey try thinkingabout ahardtime you'llnevertohook them too talking beyouup much togetherthentutti a bit stayWhenever I see him in the halls at schoolor at the end of day