You fall back into the pond letting go of all fears that once consumedyou. Your body shivers as the cold water grasps onto your body butyou let it take you away as you slowly start to sink. Water fills yournose as you gasp for one last breath before your departure, one lastgulp of air. Water fills your eyes so you close them, not wanting tosee the horrors of the world any longer. Water fills your mouth andyou start to gag. But you continue to sink into the pond.You reachyour hand towards the surface but drawback, you don't know whatcomes after you drown but it must be better than life so you let thewater consume you. As you sink into the depths you find yourself fullof thoughts and echoes, an unfamiliar blend of emotions that twistedin you.There was something welcoming and comforting in the coldwaters. So you continue to sink,until the light fades from your eyesand you no longer gasp for air. because you have no reason to stayin this world so you leave it.