IfQUESTIONS cell membrane forms boundary between cell and the outside enviormentdescribe the and controls the passage of materials made of double phospholipid layerstructure of phospholipid glycerol two fatty acidchains charged phosphate groupa phospholipidphospholipid head is polar and likes water tails are oppositeand where is cholesterol molecules strengthen the cell membranepolar non fluid mosaic model describes the molecules arrangement in membranepolar the membrane is flexible and can move aroundselective permeability alows some but not all materials to crosscompaire andselective permeability allows homeostasis within the cellcontrast some molecules cross by expending energy and others notintracellvar how molecules cross depend on size polarity and concentrationreceptors and receptors a protein that detects a molecule and responds with actionmembrane intracellvar within or inside of a cellintracellvar are nonpolar and small usually hormonestomolecules that cant cross bind to a receptor in the membranehypothesizewhat would outside8gINSIDE outside8 inside outside8 INSIDEhappen if 0 0 on a ao oany moleculeÉ8É'D GEEcould pass 0through theÉ receptory9selectivepermeableÉÉf orintracellvar receptorscancrossthemembranemembrane receptorsbindboundbymoleculesthat to molecules that cantenterwhenboundthen nreceptor transmitsthesignalinside changingsummary statement things I learned are that the cell membrane is made of a bilayerof phospholipids a phospholipid head is polar and the tail is nonpolar and the 3ways materials pass through the membrane things I found interesting are that receptorsare very complex smart at dealing with molecules and without the membrane therewould be no cell one question I still have is are there other ways for molecules topassthrough the membrane I yQUESTIONS passive transport movement of molecules across a membrane withoutenergy input from the cell diffusion of molecules across a membranediffrenttypesdiffusion movement of molecules of higherconsentration to low concentrationof osmosis concentration gradient difference in concentration of a substance fromand state one place to anotheradding food dye to water is a good example of diffusionconcen gradienwater travels small lipids non polar molecules like coz and O easily difuse across memum men n n n mencompare and to low water concentration in osmosiscontrast a solution is isotonicto a cell if it hasthe sameconcentration of solutes asthe cell equalamounts of water enter and exit the cell so the size staysfacilitated constantdiffusion and tympanic a solution that hasfewersolutes than thecell overall more waterenters acell in hypotonic solutioncausingthe cell to expand or even burstactivee.gI a solution that has moresolutes than a cell overallmore water exits aexplaining theuses for both facilitated diffusion difusion of molecules across a membrane throughouts.toinsidetransport proteinsj8gÉpredict what active transport drives molecules across a membrane from lowwould happenconcentration to a high concentrationg.gygggyggg.ggif active all transport proteins span the membrane and most changetransport shape when bonded to a moleculeiiiwas no transportproteins use chemical energy to move somethingagainst ÉÉÉendocytosis the process of taking liquids or molecules into a cell byengulfing them in a membranephagocytosis type of endocytosis where membrane engulfs large particlesexocytosis the release of substances out of a cell by the fusionof a vesicle with the membraneENDOcytosis eats a clump and disolves within the cellExocytosis the cell spits out disolved clumpssummary statement three things I learned are that there are more methods oftransport like passive transport and diffusion osmosis regulates water in andaround the cell and active transport is opposit of other transport methodstwo things I thought were interesting are 3 different types of osmosis andnow the cell is very smart and can capture substances in vesicles one questionI still have is if a cell bursted in hypotonic osmosis would other cells aroundit capture the remains in vesicles