Which house are you????
Harry Potter House
See on back pages to find out->>
1…When you have time to yourself, what do you do?
A. Read a book
B. Catch up on homework
C. Play a sport or a game
D. Do a prank
2… How would your friends describe you?
A. Hard working
B. Loyal
C. Brave
D. Natural leader
3… When there is homework, what do you do?
A. Get it done
B. Think it through then complete it
C. Do the homework diligently
D. Cheat off the answers
4… out in nature, what do you mostly pay attention to?
A. The plants
B. The mushrooms
C. The small animals
D. All of the above
5… If you were to buy something, what would you buy?
A. Bookmarks, books, and something of ur choice
B. Sketch pad, pencils, headphones.
C. Maybe a new ball or food
D. Energy drinks lol
6… pick any natural element
A. Water
B. Earth
C. Wind
D. Fire
7… pick a animal.
A. Little bird
B. Cat
C. Dog
D. Possum
8… pick a job
A. Author
B. Teacher
C. P.E teacher
D. Lawyer
9. What’s your fashion sense?
A. Normal…?
B. Soft
C. A little bold
D. Bold with a little black.
10. What bothers you?
A. Lack of organization
B. Mean people
C. No freedom
D. Not having some sense of power
Fill this out with all the letters. (Example: 10: )
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
Add up your scores on how much letters you got: example: A:
Which letter did you have the most??? There’s still more, next one👇 👇 👇
MOSTLY A: Ravenclaw!
MOSTLY B: Hufflepuff!
MOSTLY C: Gryffendoor!
MOSTLY D: Slytherin!
@_____________ is in _________ house!
slay_baddie Slytherin