TW: Topics of d0mest!c abvse. Please support Shelby.
I know that it’s not my place to be talking about any of this. As a previous fan of Wilbur Soot (regretfully so) I’m
genuinely disgusted at what he did and if anyone tries defending him, unfollow me right now. I am making this post
purely to spread awareness and to support Shelby (Shubble). I’m not gonna go in full detail on what happened. If you
want to know the full story, watch Shelby’s stream.
Basically Shelby was previously in an abvs!ve relationship with Wilbur. I think it was yesterday that she came out with
these allegations. Although she never directly said it was him, many people had suspicions it was Wilbur. Those
suspicions were conrmed as she was followed up today with an “apology” by Wilbur. This “apology” was so fvck!ng
disgusting I can’t believe he even wasted his time writing it. Not once does he ever actually apologize for the d0mest!c
abvse he inicted onto Shelby and instead tries to defend his own actions. Even other streamers like Tubbo and
Ranboo, who used to be friends with Wilbur, are giving all their support to Shelby and I’m 1000 percent with them. Yet
some fans of Wilbur are still trying to justify his poor excuse of an apology? Just to be clear, I read it and not ONCE did
he ever say “sorry” or anything remotely close to that. Wilbur fans really need to wake tf up. I’ll admit it was hard for me
to believe it at rst, but at the same time these are twitch streamers. They’re strangers. People really shouldn’t even be
idolizing them. Wilbur fvck3d up big time and needs to be held accountable. This behavior is not okay, especially
coming from someone who has a large fanbase of young & impressionable children like I was when I watched his
TL;DR, I wish all the best for Shelby and I really hope she’s alright. Stop idolizing strangers and start supporting