“Friend” update
Ok, so update about the girl, she ended up not being able 2 login 2 her account. She is begging 2
look on my phone 2 look at gallery but Idk why that’s such a big deal when she can look, at social
media. I mean gallery is sorta social media but not rlly it’s more of a template thing so idk why she’s
so obsessed with it. She drove over 2 my dorm today😒 😒 just 2 ask me a question she didn’t
wanna ask over text. Like what? When I saw her I didn’t wanna answer the door but then she was
blowing up my phone saying “im here” and “let me in” I wanted to say, “sry not at the dorm rn” but I
decided to open up 4 her. Turns out all she wanted 2 say was how she wants 2 move over 2 SEU w/
me. I said, “no don’t do that! U r t 4 where u go 2 college!” And she agreed with me. I didn’t think it
would b that easy but thankfully it was. She acts like an immature baby. And she literally texted my
bf and said can we meet 4 lunch? Like how did she even get his number!!! I feel like all she wants 2
do is copy me but then hurt me somehow while doing it. Plzzzz send prayers my way, I need them
w/ her!
TayTay loves you-Taylor Hart (@tessdarby21)🫶 🫶 🫶