We got to the docks, and talked to the guy in charge. I offered to play guitar, to get money for aboat, but he laughed and said no. Lucky me. I have a sister. Evelyn used some good oldcharmspeak, and we got one.“We don’t have a captain.” Knole pointed out.“And none of us know how to work a boat.” Evelyn said softly.So, we have a boat… and nobody knows what to do. Great. “Any ideas?” I asked hopefully. Knolelooked over and nodded.“Yeah… how much money do we have?”I pulled out my wallet, and Evelyn did too. We looked at each other about that, and looked at Knole.“Five hundred combined.” Evelyn said.“GREAT! Give me… two fifty.”“Why?” I asked“For a fishing pole. If this works, we’ll get help… I hope.” He said softly.We got onto the boat, and started to drift off. I pulled out my guitar, and Knole gave me the signal. Istarted to play, and Knole held up a fishing pole overboard.“Oh Poseidon, take this… fishing pole… and provide us with a way to somehow magically get toFlorida.” Knole said. He dropped the pole into the water, and told me to stop playing.“Did it work?” I asked.“Who knows… he might say no.” Knole said shrugging.Evelyn groaned and looked ready to whack us upside the head.The wind started to blow, and the smell of the sea filled my nose. It was nice. The boat started tomove, and I watched as the ship started to run itself. The ocean currents changed, and we weresuddenly being pulled quickly. We fell back, and Knole beamed.“YES! IT WORKED!” Knole proclaimed.“I know! I fell!” Evelyn said laughing.Knole beamed and turned and hugged Evelyn. He pulled away after a second and both of therefaces were red.“Oh… sorry.” Knole said turning away.“No… it’s fine.” She said doing the same.Gosh. I really wanted to yell at them, but I swore on the Styx… bad choice. A huge riptide came,and started to pull the ship. I stood up, and was so glad I brought mom’s old guitar. I could play it tillwe got to Florida. We all walked inside, and Evelyn tossed me and Knole sandwiches.“So, when we get to Florida, we need a game plan. What are we looking for? What do we need todo?”“Um open the gates, and fight giants.” I said simply.Evelyn eyed me. “Yeah, not duh Sherlock.” She scoffed.Knole looked up and shrugged. “Maybe we need the poison flowers… you know… for the giants.”He suggested. “And… well we need to stop them from something.” He said softly.I nodded with Evelyn. “That’s a… start. I’m going to turn in for the night… I need to sleep.” She saidsoftly, going to the other room. I looked up at Knole.“Let’s go outside and talk buddy.”“Why?” He asked softly. I shrugged, and grabbed him by the horns.“OW!”I dragged him outside and we sat down. The sun started to set, and we just joked around like kids.It was nice… you know… letting loose. I looked up at Knole, and he scratched his chis goat hairedchin.“Hey… you do still like Evelyn… right?”His face went red, and he looked down. “Yeah… I’m trying to give up on it though…” He confessedgently.I shook my head and smiled. “Dude, just tell her!” He shook his red face, and looked down. “Cypher, we’ve been over this it’s considered—”“A sin and blah blah BLAH!” I mocked. He glared at me but didn’t say anything. “Okay, but do youreally like her… what would you do for her… DO YOU LIKE HER YES IR NO?!” I snapped.“Of course I do. I’d die for her. I’d literally do ANYTHING for her.”“Have you told her that?”Knole looked up at me like I was a ghost. “No, why would I?”I groaned, and hit the deck.