Dear Lizz
Dear Lizz
You don’t know how long I’ve thought about
this. But decided to follow Lacey in this. Im
tired of all your emotions being pushed onto
everyone around you, you don’t even post
art anymore. Im tired of you constantly
talking bad about Gemma. That night you
gmailed me “Guys… I’m so done with life, I
want to freaking commit I swear I’m on the
brink… pls help” I was pretty much done
with life. Things were going bad, but I was
ne. Until your next message when you
called me out to help you. I started crying
because I couldn’t handle it anymore.
Everything is all you you you. You say you
try not to make it about you, but YOU DO.
You always make me the listener to all your
vents. We are not friends anymore. Do not
talk to me. I’m done feeling bad about you
and trying to make sure you don’t k!ll
yourself. That’s a lot for someone to carry
the weight of. Don’t k!ll yourself. I tried to be
my nicest I could - sincerely Fritz