This is sad :Pmore emoji challenges
Your 19th emoji tells you how successful you will be:
🥳 hopefully very
Your 2nd emoji tells you what your family thinks of you:
they love meeee I hope
Your 7th emoji tells you the future:
💀 I mean I will d!e someday
Your 23rd emoji tells you what people think of you:
😁 I like being nice to people
Your 1st emoji is your response to your most recent test:
😐 mid mid mid mid mid mid mid
Your 12th emoji is what people of school think of you:
🤨 I’m probably so weird and I don’t even know it
Your 5th emoji is what you think of yourself:
😜 Im VeRrY SiLlY
Your 17th emoji is an indicator of the future:
🔮 bruh I’m not looking into a crystal ball but cool question ig?
Your 9th emoji is what your crush thinks of you: