Shy bingo :>
1 ends
When you know
the answer to
something, you
stay quiet
U have no
friends :(
Don’t have a
partner when
asked to get one
Don’t speak
most of the time
Quiet during
group work
Only agree
to answers U stutter when
talking to
someone new
Don’t like sharing
thoughts because
you might be
Avoid anyone
who wants to
be ur friend
U hesitate before
trying something
U feel awkward
around unfamiliar
people, unsure of
what to say, or
worried about
what others might
think of u
U wanna be
someone else
(always or
U hate getting
stared at
U feel you're too
boring, withdrawn,
wimpy, or weird
U feel
concerned on
how u look
(hair is bad,
crooked teeth,
nervous and
in the company
of other people
interacting with
Have a secret
notebook or diary
When u like
someone u just
stare at them or
smile when they
see u
Know a lot about
people who don’t
know u
Feel invisible
around others
Afraid to talk to
adult (teacher,
stranger, etc)
Don’t talk back
Don’t ask
questions when
ur confused