1 endsWhen you knowthe answer tosomething, youstay quietFreespaceU have nofriends :(Don’t have apartner whenasked to get oneDon’t speakmost of the timeQuiet duringgroup workOnly agreeto answers U stutter whentalking tosomeone newDon’t like sharingthoughts becauseyou might bewrongAvoid anyonewho wants tobe ur friendU hesitate beforetrying somethingnewU feel awkwardaround unfamiliarpeople, unsure ofwhat to say, orworried aboutwhat others mightthink of uU wanna besomeone else(always orsometimes)U hate gettingstared atU feel you're tooboring, withdrawn,wimpy, or weirdU feelconcerned onhow u look(hair is bad,crooked teeth,etc)nervous anduncomfortablein the companyof other peopleHateinteracting withpeopleHave a secretnotebook or diaryWhen u likesomeone u juststare at them orsmile when theysee uKnow a lot aboutpeople who don’tknow uFeel invisiblearound othersAfraid to talk toadult (teacher,stranger, etc)Don’t talk backDon’t askquestions whenur confused