Alexander Chirinos 2/5/25Grammar Essay One Paragraph.April/Spring Break. San Francisco, C.A.On spring break, I will be going to San Francisco, inCalifornia. I want to go to San Francisco because of itsbeautiful Golden Gate Bridge, historical cable cars, thebeautiful Victorian Architecture. The Golden Gate Bridge issomething I would love to cross because of it’s amazing viewall over the west coast of California. The population of NativeAmericans in California region may have been as high as275,000 before the Spanish arrival. The first exploration ofCalifornia was in 1542, when Juan Rodriguez Cabrillopositioned his ship in San Diego Bay and took the land forSpain. On January 24, 1848, James Wilson Marshall saw goldat sutter’s mill along American River close to coloma. Thecable cars can take me anywhere in S.F, showing me all aroundthe scenery, while the Victorian Architecture of the houses lookweird but are very satisfying. In San Francisco I plan to crossthe Golden Gate Bridge, go to a S.F 49ers game, S.F Giantsgame, and just look at the beautiful seals with the scenery.Since the climate will be in the low 60’s and 50’s, I would bebringing sweatpants, sweatshirt, and Jacket. And I would alsobe taking good sneakers.