Tunnels Short Story
He opened his eyes carefully before rolling over in his bed to hug his wife but she
wasn’t there. Newt sat up and looked at the note next to the bed that said, ‘went to the
store brb’.
Newt groaned and laid back down and closed his eyes. The door opened and Timmy
footsteps ran up.
“Daddy Daddy Daddy! Wake up!”
Newt sat up and looked at his son Jonas. He held up his hand and pulled the pillow
over his face and Jonas jumped up on his lap as newt groaned again. It was to early
for this.
Jonas yelled.
He rubbed the pillow o of Newt’s face and hugged Newt. Newt gave a small smile
and ipped Jonas over his shoulder and started tickling the energy out of the kid.
Newt grabbed Jonas and ung him over his shoulder and got up, and walked to the
next room. Newt smile and grabbed his baby girl Willow and held her in one arm as
he walked out to the kitchen and Jamie rolled her eyes.
“Didn’t by the note?”
“Nah.” He said handing Willow to Jamie.
Newt tossed Jonas onto the couch that was near by and looked at Jamie who looked
like she was making breakfast.
“Well, I did here ‘Mr Can’t Keep His Mouth Shut’ yelling at you to wake up.” Jamie
snapped at Jonas.
“Wonder where̶uh, n-n-never m-mind.” Newt said catching Jamie’s glare
“I hope you know you talked a lot to before those stupid tunnels!” Jamie snapped
holding a wooden spoon up at him.
Newt stared for a second at her, and grabbed the spoon from her hands. He took
Willow back, and gave the spoon back with an awkward smile. Jamie rolled her eyes,
and looked at the breakfast she was making. Banana Bread. Willow grabbed Newt’s
ear and stared to chew and Newt’s pure black eyes widened in pain. He held Willow
up and away from his face, and handed her back to Jamie who laughed.
“Newt, she’s teething! Jonas did the same thing.”
“Not l-l-like t-that.”
“Exactly like that actually.” Jamie said putting the spoon in Willow’s mouth.
“Anyways, I tried this Banana Bread recipe from google and you are taste testing it.”
She said cutting him a slice.
Newt gave a small chuckle and smiled. Jamie never knew how to bake stu, but she
tried here and there. Most of the time it burnt and tasted like dust. This time it looked
like normal Banana Bread. Newt took a bite and stared at it for a second and Jamie
watched in anticipation.
“Newt, how is it?!”
Newt shrugged. “Sugar̶ b-b-but good.” He said softly.
Jamie groaned and hung her head before looking up. “I made it with less sugar so
Motor Mouth didn’t get even more hyper.” She said pointing to Jonas who already had
a chunk of the Banana Bread in his mouth.
Newt smiled and walked up to Jamie who set Willow down in the sink. He wrapped
his arms around Jamie and ran a hand through her auburn hair.
“It’s good.” He said softly with a smile.
Jamie smiled back and tilted her head. “Are you sure?”
“I-I-It’s not b-burnt.” Newt pointed out.
Jamie rolled her eyes and smiled. She got her her tiptoes and yanked Newt down and
kissed him. Newt kissed her back, before Jonas yelled, “EW! GET A ROOM!”
Newt and Jamie pulled away and looked at the tree year old.
“Your three! How do you know that phrase!?”
“Auntie Erica!” Jonas said with a smirk.
Newt rolled his eyes. Of course it was his sister. Fifteen years old, and watching all of
the romance and romcoms with Newt’s mother. Jerk.
Newt looked at Jamie and smiled, and leaned down to kiss her forehead.
“Newt, I’m gonna nish packing okay?”
Newt nodded and smiled. “I-I‘ll help.”
“Good because I was about to ‘ask’ for help.” Jamie said walking o.
Newt groaned and rolled his eyes. He turned to Jonas who had the whole rest of the
banana bread in his mouth. The two locked eyes, and Newt gave him the best ‘the
look’ he could give with his pure black eyes. He hoped his black veins were popping
hopefully to help. Jonas spat the banana bread out back onto the play and Newt
winced with a sigh.
Newt grabbed Willow who reached out and pulled his dirty blonde hair with back
streaks. He winced again, and pulled her hand’s o of his hair.
Newt ran o with a baby in his hand, and his son following. Tomorrow he was going
to Germany. The rst time the US government let him leave the country for an
anniversary trip. He was going away for a week! He was going to Germany.