GET TO KNOW ME:My name: Dublyn ( I don’t mind it)My age: not sayingMy height: I’m shortMy favorite food: grilled cheese and tomato soup 🥫My favorite animal: 🐵 not to take anything personal but they are my fav animalMy favorite color: green🟩Sport(s) I do: dance 💃Siblings: sister and brother ( on notability)My inspiration: Misty CoplandMy partner: I’m single but I like it that wayWhere I’m from: I was born and raised in AmericaMy nationalities: American, and some other thingsMy favorite thing(s) to do: draw, listen to music, dance, and swimMy best friend: Her name is Francis she is on notabilityMy sign: Capricorn ♑you can repost or remix this if you want!