Me and my friend were waiting for our bus at thebottom of the stairs. )It's really cold outside rightnow) Then some 6th grade boys come running downthe stairs. "GIVE ME MY FISH!" I felt the squishy
fish hit me on the shoulder. My friend gave it back tohim. Then some different guy starts screaming, "IHAVE PLAYED THESE GAMES BEFORE." Broscreamed it 3x and one of my teachers was ready tokill this guy. Little bro you ain't safe.My friend should have picked it up and threw it backup the stairwell. Then right after we ran to the bus,almost missing it. We get on and these literal 7thgraders start singing the song from squid games. Myschool has reached pure brain rot.💀🔥💀🔥💀🔥💀🔥💀🔥💀