It didnt take us long to get back to camp but it was all hands on deck when wetouched down. I was glad to be back but Chiron and Mr. D looked grave. Theystarted barking orders at campers and everyone grabbed weapons and armor.This is serious. I thought. Then I saw Annabeth storming toward us. I shrunkand Nika and me braced ourselves. She glared at us. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEAHOW STUPID THAT WAS?! She yelled at us. I put my head down and nodded,ashamed. I made them come with me. I hear Devin say. I couldnt believe it. Hewas taking the blame, even though it wasn’t his fault. In that moment I wantedto give him a big hug. It was childish but nobody had taken the blame for mebefore. Nika shook her head. No.. it was me. It was unwise. Nika admits.Annabeth stares at us with eagle eyes trained on each of us. She gives a smallsmile. We don’t have time for this right now, but I expect a full report after allthis is over. She tells us and I breath a sigh of relief that I didnt have to faceher wrath right now. She turns to a boy with black hair and seagreen eyes.Percy, help me with setting up the camp defenses. She tells him and they runoff toward the armory. Astraea and Cole talk for a moment and then he runsoff toward the cabins. I guy with blood hair runs up and hands each of us asmall bottle of Nectar. He looked flustered and scared. Not a good thing.Astraea turns to us with concern but also had a heroic air around her. you guysshould get out of here. Its not safe. She tells us. For a moment, I almost listento her. But then I look at the camp and Nika and Devin. I realize that this wasmy home, one of the last I had depending on if we lived to see the end of theday. I know I spoke for all of us when I tell her our answer. We’re not leaving.I tell her, surprised at the determination in my voice. This is our home too. Nikasays, putting her arms around me and Devin. And like it or not, we are fighting.Devin says, looking at me and Nika with a smile. Astraea looks at us withconcern and pride. Cole and Tyler step out from behind her. You three… arespecial. Ain’t nobody in their right minds would say what you said… and that’s agood thing. Tyler says, pulling out his sword. Nika pulls out her dagger andDevin his sword. I smiled and pulled off my glasses which in a silver lightshifted into my dagger. Its familiar weight comforted me. Thank you Mom,wherever you are. I say silently. I also quickly prayed for my friends safety.Tyler motioned for us to follow him and we run in the direction Percy andAnnabeth went in. We reach the armory and a large man hands us bronze Armor. I slipped it on as quickly as I could, but it was heavy andawkward and I had to have Devin’s help. His skin brushed mine as hehelped me. It sent tingles throughout me and I tried to hold still. Helooks at me and opens his mouth. Lura, if we don’t make it out alivethere’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you. He says. My heat feelslike its going to pound out of my chest. He opens his mouth to tell me buta loud cry echoes throughout the camp. Everyone stops and stares. Agiant eagle about the size of a dragon flew over us, its shadow coveringus in momentary darkness. Its wings had electricity arching over themand ot was circling us, searching. Astraea. I knew the beast and we werein trouble. Zeus’s own animal. The Thunderbird. Ummmm, Mom this woulda great time to help us. I plead into my head, hoping she’d hear my plea.I felt a slight humming and I looked at my arm. It had a small silver hueto it and I feel charged and powerful. Devin, Nika, and Tyler look at mewith surprise. Nice glow, but we have a battle to win. Tyler says.Annabeth runs over to us and gapes at me. The blessing of Athena. Shewhispers. SHe smiles. I knew you were special. Come on, lets do this. Inod and run alongside my friends, no family. I knew I wouldnt like tocharge into battle with anyone else.