CONGRATS! how did you learn to draw so well?What are some of your biggest inspirations?Favorite animal?I mainly have just been drawing everyday foryears, but also I look at art online a lot, and takeinspiration from them occasionally! My biggestinspirations are probably Scott Sava, Fungzau,alma luna, and Louixie. My favorite animal iseither the Golden Tiger or fox!Yes? No? Maybe?No :)Did you start drawing with digital art ortraditional, and which one do you like thebest,I started with digital, only recently startingdigital about three years ago? I like gettingsketches in faster in tradiontal and watercoloring. But I’m much better with lightingand colors with digital.Can you draw anything Who’s your favoritecreator. What color you like. What’s yourfavorite movieI’m not the best at buildings and hyperrealism, but good at drawing most things!For in general my favorite creator isSmallishbeans! I love dark red and sagegreen. My favorite movie is probablyDungeons and Dragons: honor amongthieves, or The Hunt! Do you have a tv show of any form ormedia you particularly like?I love watching Vox Machina andHannibal!What artist/art styles inspire you?Definitely Scott Sava, Louixie, Fungzau, andAlma Luna! Check them all out on YT!Anyways is there some other hobby you havebesides painting?I enjoy writing, reading, making + wearingcosplay, and gaming! Does playing dungeonsand dragons count? LolEver read lord of the rings? Watched themovies? Favorite character?Haven’t read or fully seen the movies, butI saw a pretty good summary of all threemovies. I’m a big fan of Legolas andAragorn. What’s your favorite music?I love Lemon Demon and AJR, pleasecheck them out!Congrats on 100+!!😱 😊 My question is:how long have you been doing art for? :))Probably about for a decade or more! Likelylonger but I remember genuinely likingdoing art in that time.Have you romanced anyone but Astarion in anyof your Baldurs Gate 3 playthroughs?No.