DoL3: Epilogue and The End
College sucks. It just does. I tried dating other people but nothing worked out. My grades were ne,
and Professors didn’t care about my Dyslexia, or spelling.
I did some sign language and looked at Brent. He was deaf, so I learned. He was ve now, and was
a cute little kid. Lura learned sign language too, and still lived with Mom and Bexter after I moved
out. They all came to visit me in my apartment, and it was nice. Mom baked brownies, and me and
Lura’s mouths watered.
“What’s the secret ingredient?!” Lura asked for the ve hundredth time. My mom shook her head.
“I’ll tell you when your older.” She said smiling.
Lura rolled her eyes and I laughed. Lura was a savage of a teenager and it made me laugh. The door
knocked and I went up to it. I opened the door and froze.
“Hello Astraea.”
“Hi. What are you doing here?”
“Delivering.” Hermes said handing me a note. I looked at it, and opened it. My heart
raised. “Thanks!” I said softly.
Hermes smiled and walked away. I closed the door and Lura looked at me. “Go! Go see
him you little rascal!” She said smiling.
“I’m not the rascal!” I said grabbing my guitar that had been gathering dust. I ran out of
the door, and straight to the Empire State Building.
I walked in, and handed the note to the man behind the counter. He gave me keys, and I raised to
the elevator. I put in the key as the elevator went up. The doors opened after a bit. I ran to the large
doors and took a deep breath. I opened the door and walked in.
I looked at all of the gods, and my eyes fell in one. He wore a white button up shirt (which wasn’t
buttoned), blue jeans, and his armored boots, and gladiator armor over the unbuttoned shirt. His
face was covered in a red shrub, and he didn’t look any older than eighteen.
Cole looked at me, and his eyes widened and a smile crossed his face. “Restrain yourself boy.”
Zeus said rmly.
Cole ignored that and jumped down and threw me over his shoulders. He turned to Zeus and ‘John
Cenaed’ him with the, ‘you can’t see me’.
Zeus stood up angrily and Poseidon held him back. “Let the boy be a boy brother.” He said smiling.
Cole dropped me on a perfect beach, and he sat down next to me. It was awkward for a while till
Cole spoke up.
“So... how’s um... life?” He asked.
I shrugged. “Same old same old I guess. Lura and Devin nally got together, and Nika met a kid
from Hephaestus cabin. I tried dating and it didn’t go to well.” I said softly. I turned to my guitar.
“That’s when I stopped playing.” I said softly.
Cole looked at me. “You stopped?! Why?!”
I shrugged. “I just did.” I said softly. Cole looked at me.
“Play something.” I raised an eyebrow. I pulled it out, and looked at Cole. I found myself
blushing, and looked at him.
“Um... Riptide.” He said softly.
I started to play, and smiled when Cole sang along. “I was scared of dentists and the dark. I
was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations! Oh, all my friends are turning green, you're the
magician's assistant in their dreams,”
I blushed hard. I didn’t like dating others, because none were like Cole. “Lady, running down to the
riptide, taken away to the dark side, I wanna be your left-hand man. I love you when you're singing
that song, and I got a lump in my throat 'cause you're gonna sing the words wrong.”
I smiled and started to cut him o. “There’s this movie that I’ll think you like. That cowboy decided
to quit his job and headed to New York City, that cowboy’s run’n from himself, and has been lived
on the heights shelf.” I sang looking at Cole.
“I don’t care Hercules!”
Cole ung sand at me. I looked up at his smiling face. He jumped up and ran and I quickly
ran after him. Cole turned and picked me up and spun me around. He put me down, and looked at
“I can’t... I can’t do this.” He said smiling.
“Can’t do what?” I asked Cole.
“Because I can’t not love you. I can’t! Just stay here with me!” He begged. I looked at him.
“Cole, your immortal! I’m going to die—”
“But you won’t! After four years of nagging I got an answer!” He said smiling.
I froze. I looked at him carefully to see if he was serious or playing a terrible joke on me.
“What do you mean?”
Cole now froze and seemed nervous. He pulled something out of his back pocket, and
looked at me. “Look... I understand if you say no... but I love you.” He said softly. I watched as he
got on one knee. “I know it’s been years sense over seen you, and I understand that. I get that you
are technically my Ex, but still!” He fought.
My eyes widened. “So um... I talked to Apollo, and wrote him a Haiku, and he agreed. So um...
would you marry me?” He asked hanging his head if embarrassment.
I looked at him as my heart raised. “Hypothetically, no. But I’m not hypothetical... so... yes.”
“I completely understand... WAIT YOU SAID YEA?!?!”
I nodded at him. He must have been deed like Brent. I signed to to him, and Cole smiled and
grabbed me. For the rst time in four years, I kissed someone, for the rst time I knew who my
husband would be.
~One Year Later~
“Come on!” He begged. The woman shook her head. “You have to get up!” She shook her head
“No! I’m tired! Im not getting up for no reason!”
“We have dinner with your family!” Cole protested. Astraea shook her head, and Cole rolled his
eyes. He grabbed her, and pulled her up.
“Not that hard.” He said rmly.
“You did 98 percent of the work.” She said. Cole nodded and kissed her, and put a hand on her
large stomach.
“Please? Let’s go!” He said excitedly. “Okay! Let’s go then. Geese.” She said.
“What is with the attitude?” He said softly
“Your twins.” She said smiling.