We drove out of Georgia and I thought I saw their car farahead of us at one point. Going to Camp gave me mixedfeelings. I loved Camp but somehow I knew that my timethere was already stretched. Campers normally stay onlyuntil college then try to live a normal life. Me and Devwere some of the few who had stayed longer, mainlybecause we were lead campers and helped out in camp. Butevery year i worry that it’ll be my last. Nika had alreadyleft and she lived in Indiana. She was working as astrategist for the military. She really enjoyed it. Anyway. Isaw the sign for New York and tensed a bit. Dev sensed itand put his hand on top of mine. I look at him. He smiled atme and I relaxed a little. We drove the rest of the timeand I fell asleep. I was woken by the car suddenlystopping. Lura! Dev says but Im already out the door. No nono no. I ran with Dev hot on my heels. I hope im not toolate. I morph my glasses into my bow and gasp. Their carwas in flames and Astraea was facing the Minotaur. Themenace was always lurking around the camps borderwaiting to pick off campers. Astraea yelled at the twinsand I ran up to them. I watched as Astraea kept to crushthe beast but…. NOOOO!!! I say and watch it gut her. Ishot my arrow. It hits and the beast crumples but thedamage was done already. Cypher ran to Astraea and shecrumpled to dust. Cypher was a hot mess and Evelyn wastrying to help him. Not Astraea. Dev says quietly. tearsbrimmed my eyes as Dev held me. Come on, we need to getthem to camp. Dev says his voice broken.