PUB 95 (4-21) English VersionBureau of Driver Information taken from NHTSA’s Share the Road Program.Sharing the Road with Motorcycles and VehiclesToday’s motorcycle riders are friends, relatives andneighbors. The motorcyclist has the same rightsand responsibilities on the roadway as drivers ofother vehicles. Motorists should recognize thisand not attempt to crowd motorcycles or take theright-of-way from motorcyclists.Approximately 4,000 motorcycle crashes occur onPennsylvania roads each year. Half of theseinvolved a crash between a motorcycle andanother type of vehicle. And almost two-thirds ofthese crashes are caused not by the motorcyclistbut by the driver of the other vehicle.Look out for motorcyclists Be aware thatmotorcycles are small and may be difficult to see.Motorcycles have a much smaller profile than othervehicles, which can make it more difficult to judgethe speed and distance of an approachingmotorcycle.Anticipate a motorcyclist’s maneuver. Roadconditions, which are minor annoyances to vehicledrivers, pose major hazards to motorcyclists.Allow more following distance Leave three orfour seconds when following a motorcycle, so themotorcyclist has enough time to maneuver or stopin an emergency. In dry conditions, motorcyclescan stop more quickly than a vehicle.Signal your intentions Before changing lanes ormerging with traffic, signal your intentions allowingthe motorcyclist to anticipate traffic flow and find asafe lane position.Don’t be fooled by a flashing turn signal on amotorcycle – motorcycle signals usually are notself canceling and riders sometimes forget to turnthem off. Wait to be sure the motorcycle is goingto turn before you proceed.Respect a motorcycle A motorcycle is a full-sizevehicle with the same privileges as any vehicle onthe roadway. Allow a motorcyclist a full lane width.Although it may seem as though there is enoughroom in the traffic lane for a vehicle and amotorcycle, remember the motorcycle needs roomto maneuver safely. Do not share the lane.CRASHES ARE MOST LIKELY TO OCCURIN THESE HIGH-RISK SITUATIONS:Left turnsApproximately one-half of all motorcycle crashesinvolve another motor vehicle. Nearly 40 percentwere caused by the other vehicle turning left infront of the motorcyclist.Vehicle’s blind spotRemember, motorcyclists are often hidden in avehicle’s blind spot or missed in a quick look dueto their smaller size. Always make a visual checkfor motorcycles by checking mirrors and blindspots before entering or leaving a lane of trafficand at intersections.Hazardous road conditionsMotorcyclists may change speed or adjust theirposition within a lane suddenly in reaction to roadand traffic conditions such as potholes, gravel, wetor slippery surfaces, pavement seams, railroadcrossings and grooved pavement.Weather conditionsWhen the road surface is wet or icy, motorcyclists’braking and handling abilities are impaired.Strong windsA strong gust of wind can move a motorcycleacross an entire lane if the rider is not prepared forit. Wind gusts from large trucks in the other lanecan be a real hazard.Large vehiclesA large vehicle, such as a van or truck, can blocka motorcycle from a driver’s view. The motorcyclistmay seem to suddenly appear from nowhere.Sharing the roadway is a good indication motoristsand motorcycles both recognize the importance ofcooperation. By curbing aggressive behavior andoperating vehicles in accordance with commonsense, courtesy and the law, motorists andmotorcyclists can ride together on the road. Introduction PA Driver’s Manual- i -INTRODUCTIONThis manual is designed to help you become a safe driver. It presents many ofPennsylvania’s laws governing driving. It should be used as a general guide to thelaws but not as a substitute for the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, which contains thelaws affecting Pennsylvania’s drivers and vehicles. It should also be noted that theinformation contained in this manual is subject to change.The purpose of this manual is to prepare you to take the driver’s examination and toobtain a Pennsylvania driver’s license. However, the rules of the road and trafficoperation principles presented in this manual apply to the three types of vehiclesrecognized by Pennsylvania law: bicycles, horse-drawn vehicles and motor vehicles. Forexample, all bicyclists, just like motorists, are required to stop at red lights.If you are learning to drive, this manual will give you all the information you need tostudy for the driver’s examination. If you already have a Pennsylvania driver’s license,you can use this manual to review some of the rules of the road you may haveforgotten or to learn about some of the rules that may be new or have changed sinceyou received your license.IMPORTANTBefore taking your Knowledge Test, you must complete theNon-Commercial Learner's Permit Application (DL-180).If you are under the age of 18, your parent or guardian must complete theParent or Guardian Consent Form (DL-180TD)Both forms can be found on our website at the Forms and Publications link at the top of the pageDriving is a privilege and not a right. This privilege comes with many responsibilities.One very important responsibility is that you never mix drinking and driving.For the days and hours of operation of a Driver License Center nearest you,to download the most current forms, publications, and fact sheets orto access PennDOT’s online services, including scheduling yourOn-the-Road Skills Test, visit PennDOT’s Driver and Vehicle Serviceswebsite at read this manual carefully, learn and practicethe rules of the road in order to become a safe driver andenjoy your driving privilege in our beautiful state.THIS PUBLICATION IS NOT FOR SALE