ru gottheu have feelin yousiblingsestfriends u needalwaysneedis ur to sleep to justifya ipad move yourselfu had a u hear on ur haircrush on what others is dyeda boy soundstagesheyschoolyoupretend ur never u used to u don'tsometimeuur werentSh t have a blood drinkeatwereokaybut actually anyone complex much nearlynothingU like to u think ur favcolor ur apoint urnails is black red preppyno matter ifur Eglyp purplegreenany boy'su onceu had a ur theone u doanycrush on a who issupposedlysports fell offagirl a psycho a balconyu draw u woulddescribe urself you wanna u likeharrypottermuch as beautifulme never diesobadlystuffur roomU Own u have hesthousand ur alwaysa bestfriend so sadanda cat pillow's bath no cluewhyin reallife neverusedthemOu still go u once had ur parentsto schoolur gooda surgery thinkeverythingin schoolis alrightor were