Wof infection au Comic auditions!πŸŒ”πŸŒ‘πŸŒ–
Hello! I’m trying to make a wof (wings of fire) infection au comic! You don’t need to read the book
series, but you need to at least know some of of the tribes. You can put your oc in one of the boxes
below. (At least 10 people.) There is no deadline, and have fun!
Star means main character, feel free to add side characters as well!, ONLY 5 MAINS!!!!!!!
story takes place in present day pyrrhia (a bit after the sandwing sucsesion.)
Only one animus, put a swirl over your oc if they are one.
Your oc should be preferably an adult/teen.
Please no op oc’s, no unnatural colors like a blue skywing,
The infection that will be taking place is called the withsteria fungus.
There are five stages, stage one: nausea and lightheadedness, stage two, scales began to fade into
a pale purple, pupils begin to dilate, stage three, aggressive, hungry, killing machines, stage four
their mouths become to secret purple frothy foam like rabies
Stage five, this is the last stage, and where the dragon will usually become fully pale purple and and
eyes are completely black with little white dots for their pupils. This is when they are the most
aggressive. After about five days being in stage five is when they usually die so that the fungus can
take over their bodies fully.