Study guide
Study GuideMarch 6,2023 Notes
1492Columbus Portugal newworld copernicus
1521 CortesSpainMexico Aztecs opriestomeddoctor ellipses
1533PizzanoSpain Derryincas 9 ÉÉ Rotationaround sun
Ga e DX earth
Motivations 15641642
glory God Physics
gold tradeRoutes
Cerventes ESSAY
Bagdad 1 Describe indetailthe Persons Positions
Of fuedilism
2 describetheblackdeath origin Spread
ShafngII Numberskilled Begin enddate Results
Romeo Juliet othello 3 Describe theCrusades
Macbeth tring lair 4 Describe the ProtestantRevoltwhostarted
hamlet when Why Results
5describethe progress ofscienceduringRenisaan
Who When Whatwas discovered whatdiditlead
Puedilism 180 266 to