Introduction to reproduction
biologicalprocess in which new offsprings are produced from the parent s
is called as reproduction
Progeny from a Involves twoparents
single parent i e requires fusion
of the male q the
individuals are female gametethus calledasdizygotictwins sincetwodifferent
genetically a forming a zygote eggsarefertilizedseparatelybytwosperms thus
morphologically formingtwozygotes
identical to the 4Hence separateplacenta
parent as well as geneticallydistinct
one another genetically different
from each other as
Thus the progeny well as the parents 1 Mm
are also called as Genderpossibilities 661BBGBBo
alsocalledanidenticaldizygotic fraternaltwins
ConjoinedTwins MONOZYGOTICTWINShave different
blood groups Theyarethetwinswhoarebornphysically Theconditionherestartsnormally one
connected toeachother zygoteisformedafterthefusionof 1sperm
Yes andaegg Thereafter thezygotesplitsinto
twocells whicharelike azygoteeachonereason behindthisisthat whenthe
sinceonly a zygoteisinitiallyformedafter
socenticaltwinscaseis inactionthezygote
bloodgroupsmayfallin failstosplitcompletelyandthepartwhich
thefusionofaegganda sperm theyareboththe categories but calledas monozygotictwins
thetwinshavingdifferent ayyy.thusthetwinssharesomepartsofthier ehence sharedplacenta maynot
bloodgroupsfall inthe separateamnioticsacs
categoryoffraternal Geneticallyidentical
twins samegender
BB I Go89 8 Alsocalledas Identical twins
Embryonic Development Ilja D Dility
Q what are themajorfeatures of the fusion zygotesplits
embryonicdevelopment at various