Chapter 1Dear diary, new day at a new camp! It’s called camp flog gnaw! Can’twait to use my aura to rizz these fine shyts! Nah but first I got meet sumdude named Samuel to give me a tour of this camp vro. Vro! He js calledme “prairie dog” ok.. thanks vro.. 💔 💔 so as a I was putting the mangosin the bag, I see this rlly fine shyt so I said “mango, mango, mango! Yo,who’s that fine shyt” stupid caca Samuel 🤢 says “ that’s MY fine shytSalem. Stay away from my kitten.” So I was like okay vro wtv u say.. but Ithink he likes boys. As senpai Samuel finished the tour, I quickly walkedover to fine shyt Salem. I fixed my dreads and said, “hey fine shyt. Betyou’ve never seen a guy this nonchalant huh?” She blushes and in mymind I’m just like “DANG MY RIZZ IS SO STILL WATER!!!1!!1!11!!”Salem’s perspectiveOkay so Samuel tells me that in a hour he’s gonna give a new kid a touraround the camp. Alright nothing wrong with that. As I was going to mytreehome or “treehouse” I spot Samuel and the new kid. The new kid…let’s just say he’s alright but since I’m dating Samuel, that kid is rllyfreaking ugly. He smiles at me and I smile back. I quickly look at Samuelhoping he didn’t see me smile to the new kid. I see that Samuel tellssomething to the new kid and he walks away so that means he’sprobably done. I just turn around and continue to walk away. But I hearfootsteps around so I turn around and lo and behold, it’s the new kid.Before I can say a word he says, “hey fine shyt, bet u never seen a guythis nonchalant huh?” I just look at him like he’s stupid.