Role playing game
Monsters and Goddesses Role Playing Game!
Corrupted Sorcer Princess, daughter of the Dark Lord: @
Me obvi: @kotlclover
The Healing Twins: @walnut_comics And @
Good Sorcer: @
The Dark Lord: @
The Darker Curse: @
The Great Sage: @
Townspeople: @ pretty much everyone
Corrupted Sorcer Princess, daughter of the Dark Lord: Madeline
Me: Penelope
The Healing Twins: Michelle and Hera
Good Sorcer: Scarlette
The Dark Lord: Liam
The Darker Curse: Gabe
The Great Sage: Oralie
Madeline: daughter of the Dark Lord, looked down upon, but she wants to help
Penelope: The newly made queen of Ithaca, with thousands of people lining up to
take her throne. She is favored by Artemis, and is one of her immortal Hunters.
Michelle and Hera: Two regular twins with rings that give them healing powers,
but can only be used by one of pure heart. Main
Scarlette: A teenager who was given magic powers. Main
Liam: A boy who worked in a cheese factory but wanted more from his life. So he
gave his body to the Dark Curse. Main
Gabe: The Dark Curse. He was ignored by everyone and thought it was his face.
So he cast it away, leaving behind a soul full of hatred and malice. Minor
The Great Sage: A sorcer who can do anything. She is a wild card. Minor