TtW: Chapter 6
Adam and I got back to his boat and walked inside. Adam went to go lay down, and try to
get his ears working again— he screamed that in my face as he went inside.
I stayed outside for a while, before going back inside, I found him sleeping in a hammock,
with his bandana over his eyes. I smiled and looked at the bag he had gotten. I pulled out a
big thing of fresh meat, and tossed it into a pan next to me. I pulled out some building
nails, and a park of goggles. I sighed, and put them next to the nails.
I walked outside and looked up to where Adam was earlier. I think it’s called the birds
nest? I saw a wooden board that was off. It looked like that’s what Adam was doing. I went
inside and grabbed his humor and nails, and walked outside. I took off my aviator jacket,
and climbed up to it. I looked down as my eyes widened. I was always scared of heights.
I gulped and turned to the plank. I pulled out the nails, and hammer, and got to work.
I was working for a while, but I didn’t care. I was going gure out how to get the plank
done. I’m not a quitter.
“Hey! What’re you doing?!”
I looked down at Adam who was up.
I shrugged. “Trying to x it!” I called back, turning back to my failed work.
“Well, take a break! I can do that tomorrow! I made food!” Adam called up.
Food. I was really hungry, but remember to be extra careful while chewing my food. I put
the nail down, and started to climb down without looking down. My foot slumped and
wrapped around the rope, and I fell back. I screamed for a second before realizing I was
stuck. I didn’t want to open my eyes but I did. Adam was laughing so hard he started crying
again. I but my lip, and looked at him.
Adam laughed again, but got the memo. He walked over to the rope, and took a deep
breath to try and not laugh more. He started to climb up. He was really agile, and strong.
He came up within a few seconds, and he was biting his lip with his two from teeth, trying
not to laugh.
“Ha ha. I get it, now do something!” I snapped.
I felt the blood rush to my head as Adam started to untangle me. I got unstuck, and
screamed as I fell forward. Adam caught me, and pulled me back up with him.
He started to laugh again, and I rolled my eyes.
“You get yourself into lots of trouble huh?” He said smiling.
I shrugged. “You could say.”
Adam gave a smirk, and jumped down the hundred foot drop. My eyes widened as he
landed perfectly. My most logical guess is that it’s because he’s a vampire.
“Jump!” He yelled.
“NO!” I screamed, climbing down slowly.
“I’ll catch you!” He called up.
“That’s what they all say!” I yelled.
Adam must have been laughing again because he didn’t yell anything back up for a bit.
My eyes narrowed and I looked down. I looked back and closed my eyes.
He’ll catch me… right?
Oh well. I didn’t want to get stuck again. So, I jumped. I was falling through the air, and
screamed, and closed my eyes. I fell, and was caught, and I looked up.
“Hi.” Adam said smiling.
Adam put me down gently, and we both locked eyes for a few seconds before I looked away
with a hot face.
“So, what’s for dinner?” I asked looking at the sunset.
“Come on. I’ll show you what Chef Adam has created.” He said walking inside.
I rolled my eyes and smiled. Maybe I could get used to this fake world.
Adam handed me cooked steak, and a fork and knife. I looked at him, as his was uncooked,
and, yeah, kinda bloody. I reached into one of my many pockets and pulled out his pocket
“Here.” I said handing it back.
Adam looked up at me. “Keep it. I got plenty.” He said with a small smile.
I smiled. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah! Keep it.”
I smiled more and put it back in my pocket.
“This is good.” I said pointing at the steak.
Adam smiled. “Good. I forgot how to cook meat for a second while making yours.” He said
chuckling. Okay… he really wasn’t joking.
I looked down at my food and ate some more. I looked back up at him, and his face went
red and he looked down. I have a small smile, and ate some more.
“How are your ears?” I asked.
Adam looked back up, and his face paled even more that it was naturally.
“Sore, but I’m ne.” He said with a shrug.
I knew he was embarrassed. You could just tell with him… even know I’ve only known his
for two days. Wow. I only knew him for two days, and trusted him with my actual life.
“So… how does your echolocation thing work? Don’t you need sound to do that stuff? What
if it’s quiet?”
Adam looked up, and shrugged. “Well, yeah I need sound, but not really. I can hear a lot of
stuff.” He said picking at his empty plate.
“What do you mean?”
He looked up. “I can hear your heartbeat.” He said softly.
My eyes widened. My heart rate was sort of normal till he said that. My heart went nuts,
pounding in my chest.
“Sorry.” He said with a soft smile. “Didn’t mean to make your heart go nuts. Um… I can
hear the boat creaking, and some fairy stowaways.” He said softly.
“Fairy stowaways?”
“Yeah. Their pests here. The noice is coming from behind my hammock.” He said pointing
over. I looked who where he pointed and looked back at him.
“You’ve got good hearing.” I said softly.
“Yeah, I guess. I still can’t hear everything though. Those stupid hunters…” His voice
trailed off as he rubbed his ears again.
I looked down. It seemed to also be a sore subject.
“So… echolocation. You can see stuff with sound with your eyes closed.” I said folding my
arms, with a smirk.
Adam took notice and leaned back in his seat, folded his arms, and returned my smirk.
“Yeah… what are you thinking?”
I smirked more. “Close your eyes.”
Adam looked at me hesitantly, but ultimately rolled his eyes and closed them. I stuck on
three ngers.
“How many ngers?”
I held up my pinky.
“Your pinky.”
I started using my hands, and Adam shook his head.
“Five, seven, index nger, thumbs up, spider man web shooting thingy, middle nger…
His eyes popped open as I bursted out laughing. Adam chuckled before laughing with me.
Maybe we were just tired, but we couldn’t stop. I put my head in the table as I laughed, and
Adam did the same. He must have been shaking his head, thinking how stupid this was like
me. I looked up at him, and he sat up smiling widely.
“This… this is so stupid.” He said nodding his head, looking away, and laughing again.
“I mean, I though you’d see it coming.” I said smirking.
Adam arched his eyebrow then relaxed them. He tilted his head and nodded. “Yeah. I
should have seen that.” He said more to himself.
He pushed his hair up— which once again was never in his face— the put his hair that
covered his pointed ears, behind his ears.
I smiled at him, and he smiled back at me. I looked down, and pushed my hair off of my
shoulders. Yeah, he was great. Yeah… I like him. I like him a lot.
Adam’s face went red, and he stood up. He took my plate for me, and tossed them into a
bucket. He looked back at me. “I’m going to get some shut eye. How about you?”
I nodded in agreement, and Adam walked to his drawer, and tossed his jacket on it, and
took his shirt off. He looked back at me.
“If you want you can take my hammock.” He said softly.
My eyes widened.
“No! I’m ne with the corner with pillows! I like it!” I said smiling.
“Are you sure?” He asked carefully.
I nodded. “Yeah, I’m ne.”
Adam nodded and kicked his shoes off, and walked to the hammock. His eye twitched for a
second before looking at me.
“Are you sure?”
I rolled my eyes. “You just want to get away from the fairies don’t you?”
Adam’ face went red, and he nodded. I rolled my eyes, and threw a pillow at him, and he
chucked it back with the speed of light. I ducked down as the pillow wised past my head.
He denitely had powers like strength.
I looked up at him, and his eyes widened.