Differentiability - Multivariable Calc + Calc III
f is differentiable at yo if thefollowing limit
l im x f Xo
xoxo X Xo
x this is considered f Xo
also there exists a number m and afunction E x such that
f x f Xo MIX Xo E X X Xo
We can expand thisnotion of diffrentiabilityto 2 variablesby
consideringtangentplanesinstead oftangent lines to thefunction
If f is a functionof two variablesdefined on an open disk
WI center Xoyo f is differientiable it
f x y f Xoyo fx Xoyo x Xo t fyXoyo y yo t E x y x Xo Ez xy
y yo
If f hasfirst orderpartials eachpt in a diskcentered
Xo yo and if these partials are continuous xo yo
then f is differentiable at xo yo
Lesson37 Problems
1 D 2 D 3 C