floof club talk sheet! (3) (2) (2) (2)
oof club talk sheet #2
talk on here about oofy things! you can only talk on here if you are
apart of the oof club! also, can someone please make some more oofy
art?! im doing something extremely cool! :DD
dockat: Ok so… FLOOFY THINGS. I like the feel of guys’ hair, petting curly
haired dogs, uffy plushies, and stroking silky cats. What abt you guys?
frill: guys hair is so amazing :0 i have 2 poodles and oh my lord they are
freaking soft and amazing! i sadly have no uffy plushies and i have
never, EVER not loved a silky cat.
dockat: Aaaaaaaah I wish I had a poodle Or a cat, but I’m actually
allergic to them. It’s not bad, but I can’t be around them for too long.
cats_are_better_than_dogs: lmao wish i had a pet too ;-;
dockat: What kind of pet? :3
cats_are_better_than_dogs: cats ofc :P
dockat: Ok, that was low-hanging fruit. What kind? And how do you feel
about hairless cats…?
cats_are_better_than_dogs: i like ragdoll cats (bc theyre oooofy) ive
actually never seen a hairless cat irl b4 (i gtg to bed now so im gonna
reply tmr lol)
dockat: I looooooove Ragdolls, they get so big too!! Gn :]
frill: i like hairless cats but they dont have their oof so they get one
point taken off…