~}Greyson{~Huh. Greyson sat there near the archery range. He just sat there. It had been nine dayssince he came back from the quest. Nine days since his best friends fell into Tartarus.Yay….Greyson rubbed his bow, and sat there. Past Campers have came back to help fight,including his parents. Apollo cabin was full. Little fights would break out about who wasbetter and stuff like that. A man named Will Solaces could light up by pure will. That wasnot supposed to be a pun. Will Solaces had showed up with someone named Nico DiAngelo.Greyson wished Erebus was there.Nico was literally Erebus’s brother from another mother.Greyson continued to clean his bow and rub some plaster on it. Something just felt oddwithout his friends with him. He felt alone.“Hey.”H looked up and scooted over. Fiona sat down next to him, pushed her red hair out of herface, and stared into the woods.“How are you?”Greyson looked up and stared into the woods too. “I’m okay.” He said softly.Fiona nodded and looked at him. “I know you’ve seen a lot, but that shouldn’t hold youback.” She said softly.“It’s not that.” Greyson said looking up.“Your scared that everyone s looking up to you.” Fiona finished.Greyson nodded. Fiona was an odd daughter of Hectate. She could read minds, wastelekinetic, and could make anything spear out of mid air for a few minutes. The mindreading part is what made them friends. She could just understand.Greyson looked at the ground. “I mean, how do they expect me to lead? I get Erebus toldme to, but… I can’t.”“Yes you can. There’s reason behind everything. You have different paths to choose… thisone your on might be the best one.” She said.Greyson looked up and smiled. “Spoken like a daughter of Hectate.”“I try my best.” She said smiling. She stood up, and pushed the dirt off of her light blueshirt she wore. Her Camp Half-Blood shirt had a knot tied at the bottom. Her red hightops, and leather necklaces with the camp beads shown.“Now, I’m going to go make sure my cabin isn’t cursing, killing, or slaying anyone.” She saidsmiling. She looked at Greyson. “Don’t do anything stupid.”“But that’s my middle name lady! I can’t help it.” He said with a smirk.Fiona smiled, and Greyson stood up. He put his bow around him, and held her hand as theywalked to the main area of Camp.Everyone was preparing and the camp was moving around.“Excuse me… excuse me.” Greyson said shoving past people. “MOVE!” Fiona moved a hand as her red magic moved them out of the way. Greysonsmiled. He was glad Fiona was there with him.