Chapter three: SWAWS 8, the SWAWSening part 2.
[sep 23, Monday, 2:35PM]
*its decently cold day.. peaceful.. quiet. Just how you like it(I’m guessing)*
*your doing your own thing (whatever you want) as your doing your thing you overheard
someone saying smth about a red portal appearing in the woods (I also have writing block
Erie: hmm? What was that, Seneca?
Seneca: Erie! A portal opened in the woods, and there’s now a weird robot in the front yard!
Me: “man, where am I?”
[about 15 minutes later, a small pickup truck (think 1997 ranger) pulls up, and Erie gets out]
Erie: “hey, you need help?”
T: “’re a human?”
Erie: chuckles “no, no. I only seem human. I assure you- we’re equally freaks.”
T: “rude.. I’m guessing you’re some kind of like monster in disguise or something like that?”
Erie: chuckles again “no, it wasn’t my intent to be rude. I’m just sayin’. And yes, you are
correct. Just, get in the truck. I got a place to warm up- the woods are quite cold in the
T: his eyes narrow slightly in suspicion All right.. I’m not gonna get in the truck. I’ll just y, no offense or
anything, but I don’t really trust you..”
(OOC, use italics for actions)
Erie: shrugs “eh, it’s not everyday you come across a guy living in the woods. I understand.”
He gets in his truck, the engine turning over after a bit, due to about -32 degrees Fahrenheit
weather, it struggles
T: “Lead the way..” two exoskeleton wings unfold from his back (like this?)
(Perfect) Erie puts the truck in drive, and starts driving towards the cabin, where Seneca
(human form) is sitting on the porch, in SEVERAL layers of coats and snow pants
T: ies next to the truck while looking around the landscape
Erie: “watch out for that tree…”
T slams into a tree on the side of the road
T: “..thanks..” my is slightly cracked, it starts to slowing x itself before hopping in the back of
the truck
Erie: chuckles “you have regeneration? What do you have, chainsaw hands? SMGs?… Nanites
that’ll shred anything?”
T: “you listed half of them actually..” my right hand switches into the classic three long bladed
nger hand before using one of them ngers to shotgun a small oil canister “Names T, you?”
Erie: “mines Erie. Well, I’m kinda the keeper of these woods.. uh.. was that the can of motor
oil I had sitting back there?”
T: “ yea?” Proceeds to toss it away. “Kinda need oil to live”
Erie: “uh.. I was gonna put that in my truck..”
T: shrugs “Meh.. I’m sure you got spare, right?” Leans back with my arms behind my head
before my visor displays a retro ping ball game, presuming playing it
Erie: groans “of course you say that… wait, where are you from?”
T: “ last time I checked I’m from copper-9, why?” Raises my digital eyebrow
Erie slams the brakes
Erie: “WHAT?!”
T: digs my claw hand into the side of the truck to prevent me from ying over the truck
“ROBO-JESUS, a little warning next time!? Jeez.. what about it?”
Erie: “number one, HOW?! COPPER 9 IS ABOUT 17 LIGHTYEARS AWAY. Number two, you’re
paying for the bodywork!”
T: “do I look like I have money? Plus this wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t suddenly pull the
break knowing that there’s no seatbelt back here!”
Zee: *you see a murder drone on the side of the road, you pull over*
Erie: “yo, need a ride?”
Zee: *looks up* yea, thanks *smiles kinda creepy* whats ya name *looks back and fourth
between Erie and T* *stands up and gets in the truck without you saying anything*
T: cool, another one of my kind, lucky you Erie” I said smugly
Erie: “‘great’, that’s ’just what I wanted’”. (Btw that’s sarcasm)
T: chuckles “Anyway, how much farther are we from your place?”
Erie: “you want to feel weird? Because there’s two ways we can get there. Ones REALLY
quick. The other is about.. eh.. 5, 6 minutes.”
T: “I’m guessing the weird one is teleporting?”
Suddenly, we appear at Erie’s cabin- just your basic cabin in the middle of the woods
Seneca: “uncle Erie! You’re back!”
Erie: “yeah. I brought two disasembly drones.. dunno how they got here.”
T: waves at Seneca “Sup”
Seneca: waves back “nothin’ much. How bout you?”
Erie: “huh. She must like you. She’s normally hostile to most.”
T: “Lucky me then”