SoE2 Lura POV 7-1
I slept pretty good considering everything. I vowed the next morning to give
Hooty to Evelyn. I woke up to the sun barely passed the horizon. I assumed
Evelyn was up and changed into a spare shirt I had and grabbed my Ole Miss
sweatshirt and walked out of the house with my journal, Hooty, and glasses. I
went to go see if Evelyn was at her Cohort and found it deserted. I was
tempted to just stick it on her bed with a note but I wanted to give it to her
personally. I climbed a small hill that overlooked the entire camp and sat down
to draw. I had gotten lucky and caught the camp at a good drawing moment. The
sun was reecting off the marble columns and the grass shimmered in the
morning dew. I sketched the camp and spent a good part of the morning on it.
Maybe Evelyn is back at her cohort now. I think and stand up and stretch from
sitting so long. I walked over to the cohorts and I got many eyes from the
campers. My beaded necklace was hanging outside my sweatshirt. I self
consciously rubbed my ngers over it. I didnt relax till I heard someone yell
“Hotty Toddy”!(Ole Miss cheer for all of those who didn’t know what it meant). I
smiled and yelled it back. I got to the cohort and found the door open. I
knocked on it and looked inside. Evelyn sat on her bed, looking through pictures.
Come in. Oh Lura. What brings you here? She asks me. I closed the door and sat
down beside her. I know theres a lot of things going on. I dont know how your
feeling through all of this. And im not gonna ask unless you want to tell me. I
tell her. She seemed a bit confused on where this conversation was going.
Before I say what I was going to say, I just want you to know that if you need
ANYTHING you can always talk to me. I tell her. Thanks Lura. She said. But, if
you dont want to talk to someone, there is someone you can talk to. I say and
pull Hooty out from behind my back. She gasped as I handed it to her. This is so
cute! She said. Where’d you nd it? She asks me. Actually, it was mine. My mom,
Athena, gave it to me when I was born. She looked at me. I dont think I could
accept it, it’s obviously special to you. She says and tries to hand it back to me.
No, keep it. Its yours now. I dont need her anymore, but I think you do. I tell
her and she hugs it close. Thanks Lura. She said with happy tears in her eyes.
Of course. I tell her and we hug. Its gonna be ok Evelyn. No matter what
happens, Me and Dev will always be there for you twins. She smiles at me and a
tear rolls down her cheek. Ill be back later to check on yall, I have to go see
Annabeth and Percy again. I get up to go. Wait, Lura? I hear her ask. Yes? I ask
Her. She hesitated. Why are you and Devin being so nice to us? Why go such
lengths? I know you and Astraea were sisters but still. She asks me. I feel my
smile falter. Umm. That’s a good question. And to answer it will take a long
story that’s from years ago when I was about your age. I tell her. I dont have
anything for an hour. She says. I guess Im doing this. I think and sit back
down. So… I say and start telling her everything from the end of Astraea’s
quest to my own. I had a hard time while I told her about Tyler and Jacob.
She listened through it all with fascination. I got to the part where Jacob died
and saving her and I nally told her of the promise I had made. I promised
right then and there that no one would hurt you kids as long as their was
breath in my lungs. I made a promise to be your guardian. I told her. I kind of
failed when Atlas got Cypher. I tell her. She looked at me with such wisdom in
her eyes that she didn’t look 14. Lura. That’s… incredible. I never realized how
much you sacriced. But, why us? She asked. I dont know. When I was in
Olympus healing from my scars, your mother was the one that saved me. I tell
her. Even before that your mother saved me. After my dad died, I had nowhere
to go. She took me in. I can never repay her for that. I would never be where
I am today without your mother. I tell her. I guess after receiving my quest
and realizing it was for you and Cypher, I had a duty to you kids. I guess this
is my way of repaying Astraea. I tell her. Wow. I didnt know my mom was such
a-. Hero? I say and smile. She nodded. You remind me so much of her. I tell
her. Really? She says. Yep. I tell her. Well, know you know my why. I tell her.
Thanks Lura. For everything. She says. Ill be back later, try to get some rest
and take good care of Hooty for me. I tell her and head out. smile. Of course.
Ill be back later. I tell her and walk out of the Cohort. I let out a big breath.
I had things to think about as I walked to where Annabeth had told me she
was. I guess I had never really thought about the promise I made. I wouldnt
go back on it for anything but it was nice to know why nally. I spent a few
hours with Annabeth and Percy and then headed back to the Cohort. Dev was
reading a book when I walked in. Hey babe. He said. Hey. Did you give it to her
? He asked me. Yep and I went and saw Annabeth and Percy. I told him. Nice. I
also drew a bit that’s why I left early. I told him. I show him my drawing.
Incredible. But that’s not a shock. He said. Thanks. I tell him. Want some lunch?
He asks me and pulls out some sandwhiches. Yes. I tell him.