I slept pretty good considering everything. I vowed the next morning to giveHooty to Evelyn. I woke up to the sun barely passed the horizon. I assumedEvelyn was up and changed into a spare shirt I had and grabbed my Ole Misssweatshirt and walked out of the house with my journal, Hooty, and glasses. Iwent to go see if Evelyn was at her Cohort and found it deserted. I wastempted to just stick it on her bed with a note but I wanted to give it to herpersonally. I climbed a small hill that overlooked the entire camp and sat downto draw. I had gotten lucky and caught the camp at a good drawing moment. Thesun was reflecting off the marble columns and the grass shimmered in themorning dew. I sketched the camp and spent a good part of the morning on it.Maybe Evelyn is back at her cohort now. I think and stand up and stretch fromsitting so long. I walked over to the cohorts and I got many eyes from thecampers. My beaded necklace was hanging outside my sweatshirt. I selfconsciously rubbed my fingers over it. I didnt relax till I heard someone yell“Hotty Toddy”!(Ole Miss cheer for all of those who didn’t know what it meant). Ismiled and yelled it back. I got to the cohort and found the door open. Iknocked on it and looked inside. Evelyn sat on her bed, looking through pictures.Come in. Oh Lura. What brings you here? She asks me. I closed the door and satdown beside her. I know theres a lot of things going on. I dont know how yourfeeling through all of this. And im not gonna ask unless you want to tell me. Itell her. She seemed a bit confused on where this conversation was going.Before I say what I was going to say, I just want you to know that if you needANYTHING you can always talk to me. I tell her. Thanks Lura. She said. But, ifyou dont want to talk to someone, there is someone you can talk to. I say andpull Hooty out from behind my back. She gasped as I handed it to her. This is socute! She said. Where’d you find it? She asks me. Actually, it was mine. My mom,Athena, gave it to me when I was born. She looked at me. I dont think I couldaccept it, it’s obviously special to you. She says and tries to hand it back to me.No, keep it. Its yours now. I dont need her anymore, but I think you do. I tellher and she hugs it close. Thanks Lura. She said with happy tears in her eyes.Of course. I tell her and we hug. Its gonna be ok Evelyn. No matter whathappens, Me and Dev will always be there for you twins. She smiles at me and atear rolls down her cheek. Ill be back later to check on yall, I have to go seeAnnabeth and Percy again. I get up to go. Wait, Lura? I hear her ask. Yes? I ask Her. She hesitated. Why are you and Devin being so nice to us? Why go suchlengths? I know you and Astraea were sisters but still. She asks me. I feel mysmile falter. Umm. That’s a good question. And to answer it will take a longstory that’s from years ago when I was about your age. I tell her. I dont haveanything for an hour. She says. I guess Im doing this. I think and sit backdown. So… I say and start telling her everything from the end of Astraea’squest to my own. I had a hard time while I told her about Tyler and Jacob.She listened through it all with fascination. I got to the part where Jacob diedand saving her and I finally told her of the promise I had made. I promisedright then and there that no one would hurt you kids as long as their wasbreath in my lungs. I made a promise to be your guardian. I told her. I kind offailed when Atlas got Cypher. I tell her. She looked at me with such wisdom inher eyes that she didn’t look 14. Lura. That’s… incredible. I never realized howmuch you sacrificed. But, why us? She asked. I dont know. When I was inOlympus healing from my scars, your mother was the one that saved me. I tellher. Even before that your mother saved me. After my dad died, I had nowhereto go. She took me in. I can never repay her for that. I would never be whereI am today without your mother. I tell her. I guess after receiving my questand realizing it was for you and Cypher, I had a duty to you kids. I guess thisis my way of repaying Astraea. I tell her. Wow. I didnt know my mom was sucha-. Hero? I say and smile. She nodded. You remind me so much of her. I tellher. Really? She says. Yep. I tell her. Well, know you know my why. I tell her.Thanks Lura. For everything. She says. Ill be back later, try to get some restand take good care of Hooty for me. I tell her and head out. smile. Of course.Ill be back later. I tell her and walk out of the Cohort. I let out a big breath.I had things to think about as I walked to where Annabeth had told me shewas. I guess I had never really thought about the promise I made. I wouldntgo back on it for anything but it was nice to know why finally. I spent a fewhours with Annabeth and Percy and then headed back to the Cohort. Dev wasreading a book when I walked in. Hey babe. He said. Hey. Did you give it to her? He asked me. Yep and I went and saw Annabeth and Percy. I told him. Nice. Ialso drew a bit that’s why I left early. I told him. I show him my drawing.Incredible. But that’s not a shock. He said. Thanks. I tell him. Want some lunch?He asks me and pulls out some sandwhiches. Yes. I tell him.