Scientific Answers1SCIENTIFIC ANSWERS2 Scientific AnswersΠεριεχόμεναChapter Theme Page1Space (continuation) 3-102Technology 11-143 Nature (mountainsand forests) 15-21Quiz _ 22-252 Scientific AnswersSpace(Continuation)SpaceshipsWe imagine spaceships to be quite different fromthe one in the picture. However, this is a replica ofthe spacecraft that took the first humans to theMoon.International Space Station (ISS)The International Space Station functions as afloating scientific laboratory, deep spaceobservatory, and high-tech Earth observationstation. With 15 partner countries and five spaceagencies, the International Space Station is thelargest international peace project in history. Its firstmodule, Zarya (Dawn), was launched by theRussians in November 1998. Construction wascompleted with the transfer of the Alpha MagneticSpectrometer from the space shuttle Endeavour,mission STS-134. The station consists of 15pressurized modules, the truss structure, and solarpanels. The Russians launched two more modules, Nauka (Science) and Uzlovoy (Node), in2021. The ISS's lifecycle is set to end in mid-2031.3 Scientific AnswersBike on the ISSJust as your leg muscles might betray you from lounging on the couch all day, the same couldhappen to the astronauts on the ISS. Despite the fact that astronauts work almost nonstop,the absence of gravity slowly shows its effects. While the average adult is recommended toexercise about 30 minutes a day for several days a week, the people on the InternationalSpace Station exercise for 90 to 120 minutes every day, just to maintain their bone andmuscle mass at healthy levels.Currently, they use the CEVIS system, the Cycle Ergometer with Vibration Isolation andStabilization. It is basically a stationary bicycle, attached to one side of the InternationalSpace Station to ensure it doesn't start floating.Astronauts wear heart rate monitors while riding the bike and then send the data to Earth sotheir trainers can analyze it and optimize their daily workout.'We have a computer, so if you like to listen to music, you can do that. Or watch a movie,'says astronaut Doug WheelockΠηγή: NASA LIFE IN SPACE4 Scientific AnswersSunThere's nothing wrong with a little sun worship. Although the closest star to Earth is literallythe star of the show, it's not really significant when you look at the big picture of the entiregalaxy, which has 200 to 400 billion other stars, many like ours. Scientists call our star a 'G-type main sequence star,' which in simple terms means it is on the cooler side compared tosome other hotter types, smaller than average in size, and not the most common type of starbut not very rare either. It is a main sequence star because it is in the prime stage of its 10-billion-year lifespan, doing what most stars in the universe do: converting hydrogen intohelium deep in their cores.This main sequence process is called nuclear fusion and creates energy that travels to thesurface of the sun (photosphere) and is released as heat and light. The core of the sun willgradually run out of hydrogen gas, which will signal the end of the sun. But we don't need toworry about that for the next five billion years or so5 Scientific AnswersSunspotsThese cooler areas on the surface of the sun can emit charged particlesknown as solar flares that disrupt solar systems on Earth. Galileo Galileiwas the first astronomer to observe sunspots.ProminencesOccasionally, these strips of glowing gas, which are cooler than thesurface of the sun but still extremely hot, are ejected and remainsuspended by the powerful magnetic field of our star, then collapse backto the surface. Solar flares can be 10 times the size of Earth.SunbeamsThe sun may appear to be a perfect sphere, but closer examination withspecial telescopes reveals imperfections…Source of all (related to the sun): NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC WHY NOT?6 Scientific AnswersWhy is the moon not always visible?The moon does not shine by itself: moonlight is actually sunlight reflected from the surfaceof the moon. Just like here on Earth, the moon has a day side that faces the sun and a nightside that faces away from it. The difference is that the moon takes about 30 days to rotate asit orbits around the Earth, which means a full day and night cycle on the moon also lastsabout 30 days. When we see a full moon, it is noon on the side of the moon facing us. Whenwe don't see the moon at all (this phenomenon is called a new moon), it is midnight on themoon. All the intermediate phases represent the various stages from morning, afternoon,and evening.Why doesn't the moon have a specific name?Imagine you have the first cat in the world as a pet. You had never seen a cat before, so youdecided to name it 'Cat.' One day, you discover that there are other cats in theneighborhood. You call these animals 'cats' because that's what you named yours, but youknow that 'cats' (the other animals) are different from 'Cat' (the name of your pet). Your catstill has the name 'Cat' even though the other cats have different names. The moon has asimilar story.How do you say the moon in...Greek? Φεγγάρι (pronounced: Fegari)Italian? LunaGerman? MondChinese? yuèliàng (pronounced: you-ay-lee-ong)Hindi? Chaand (pronounced: Chond)7The American flag on themoon Scientific AnswersTechnologyTechnology has revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate. From the inventionof the wheel to the development of the internet, technological advancements havecontinuously shaped human civilization. Today, we rely on technology for almost everything,from smartphones and computers to medical devices and renewable energy solutions. Therapid pace of technological innovation promises even more exciting developments in thefuture, such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and space exploration. Theseadvancements have the potential to solve some of the world's most pressing challenges andimprove the quality of life for people around the globe.Surely, technology has evolved rapidly, and many companies contribute to this progress.One of the most important companies is Apple, which revolutionized the mobile phoneindustry with the creation of the iPhone. The man behind this innovation was Steve Jobs.Besides Apple, there are other famous companies in the technology sector, such as Samsungand Bell. At the same time, technological progress is not limited to devices but also extendsto applications, such as ChatGPT, which provides answers to various questions. Let's seebelow a dialogue with an electrical engineer:Journalist: What is the main job of an electrical engineer?Electrical Engineer: I am involved in the design and development of electricalsystems.J: What skills are necessary for this job?EE: Good communication skills and analytical thinking.J: How do new technologies, such as ChatGPT, affect your field?EE: They help in data analysis and process automation.J: What challenges do you often face in your job?EE: The continuous evolution of technology and the need for ongoing education.8 Scientific AnswersAs we mentioned above, Apple is one of the greatest companies that makes electronicdevices (tablets, laptops, computers, etc.). This company also makes its own phones, whichit calls iPhones.So far, there are 16 iPhones (if we count only the main ones). The first iPhone created wasthe iPhone 1. After that, more were created, and we ended up being able to buy up to a brandnew iPhone 16.In reality, there are not just 16 iPhones. Between each number, there are other iPhones withslightly different names. For example, ...iPhone 6, iPhone 6s,... iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Pro,iPhone 16 Pro Max, ... etc.Τhese days, experts are working on several cutting-edge technologies to drive innovationand solve complex problems. Some of the key areas include:1. Developing advanced AI models that can create sophisticated content, such as text,images, and simulations, to enhance productivity and creativity.2. Making strides in quantum technology to solve problems that are currently unsolvableby classical computers.3. Εxpanding and optimizing 5G networks to improve connectivity and support theInternet of Things.4. Innovating in green energy technologies to combat climate change and promotesustainability.5. Using biotechnology to develop personalized treatments based on individual geneticprofiles.6. Advancing self-driving car technology to improve safety and efficiency in transportation.These efforts aim to transform various industries and improve the quality of life for peoplearound the world.914 Scientific AnswersNature (mountains and forests)Do mountains grow taller?Yes! Many mountains do grow taller! For example, the tallest mountain in the world,Everest, is still growing. In fact, it grows by a few millimeters every year. Currently, its heightis 8,848 meters, which is about the same as 125 large airplanes lined up!Why is Everest growing?Everest is growing because it is being pushed by huge rocky plates at its base, which collideand crush against each other as they move. This also causes some earthquakes.VolcanoesVolcanoes are essentially mountains with craters at their top. Volcanoes erupt when hot,molten rocks, also known as magma, rise to the surface of the volcano. The magma flows outfrom the interior of the volcano. This type of volcano is called active.Besides the active volcano, there is also the dormant volcano. A dormant volcano is like it issleeping. However, if the magma finds a way to reach the surface, the volcano can suddenlywake up with an eruption.If a volcano has no magma inside it, then it is an extinct volcano. An extinct volcano may haveerupted in the past, but it will never erupt again.Source: Book "I Ask and Learn About Nature" (adaptation)10 Scientific AnswersThe volcano of IcelandThe Fagradalsfjall of Iceland volcano erupted once again on January 15, 2024. The skyturned from blue to orange due to the lava. In Iceland, volcanic surges and eruptions are acommon activity. What needs to be clarified is that a volcanic eruption does not happenovernight. Volcanoes give warnings before they do anything. They are not like earthquakes;they do not suddenly explode. They start a slow activity, which can last from weeks to years.On all volcanoes, the state and research institutions place monitoring networks to know if avolcano is preparing for an eruption..11What do you call amountain withhiccups?A volcano! Scientific AnswersForestsForests are a source of life. Various creatures live in them, and there are valuable plants thatproduce oxygen. These forests, created by nature millions ofyears ago, are being destroyed, unfortunately, by humans toobtain wood from the trees, build more buildings, and doother things that you will see below.12♥ Scientific AnswersThe forest of SumatraSumatra (which is the largest island in Indonesia) has many tropical forests. Itgenerally has a very big area of nature. Variousanimals live there, such as elephants, orangutans,lemurs, and other wild creatures. The most well-known animals there are the orangutans. They havereddish fur and are very flexible. Unfortunately,these orangutans are somewhat like endangeredanimals. Are you wondering why? Read below tofind out.Orangutans are “endangered animals” becausehuge areas of nature where they live and find foodare being destroyed by people who have palm oil production companies. These companiescut down tropical trees to plant palms (not coconut palms) that produce an oil called palmoil.To plant these palms, an area of land approximately 7,600 square kilometers had to be"destroyed." The area has ended up being a monoculture of palms. This oil is used ineverything from cosmetics to food. However, scientists have proven that palm oil iscarcinogenic. This has not reduced the demand for palm oil at all. Thus, companies continuetheir destructive work.To draw the world's attention to the problem, an artist pruned palms in a plantation into theshape of SOS.13 Scientific AnswersQuizDo you remember all the stuff you just read? Let’s check it out!1. What was the name of the person who made the iPhones?Α) Steve JobsΒ) Still WorksC) Working Steve2. What is a volcano called that cannot erupt again?A) DormantB) ExtinctC) Active3. What is the moon called in German?A) LunaB) MondC) Moon4. Which company made the iPhones?A) SAMSUNG14 Scientific AnswersB) XIAOMIC) APPLEANSWERS1. = A2. = B3. = B4. = CFun Time! Are you bored? Try and copy this image!15 Scientific AnswersSCIENTIFIC ANSWERS2Inside our magazine, you will find useful information about Space,Technology, mountains, and forests. You will also discover other thingsyou didn't even know existed! Keep the answers in your mind, becausethere's a quiz too!Editors: Zeta and Maritina16