Bible verse of the week *bonus story 🤩*
Guys Jesus is coming back! My pastor had this dream and he told us in church, but he said
that he saw itself in a empty church with chairs everywhere and a pew and then he saw a
bunch of people walked in wearing white robes and sat in the chairs. Then my pastor said
that he tried to blend in and then he relized that this was a choir practice of angels! And
then this angel girl who was sitting next to him said “I’m so excited!” And my pastor said,
“for what?” And she replied “for the big event”. And then he woke up! Guys, Jesus is
powerful and he can do anything and everything if you just believe and give your life to
him! He loves you and even if you are struggling right now, he has a plan for everythin.
Revelation 4:10-11
11 “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you
created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.”
My uncle had this dream once when our family was about to go on a giant vacation to Japan
and he said that God showed him that the devil was medaling with our plane and he was
gonna try to kill us but then in his dream he saw Jesus coming and making everything new!
And believe me, our airplane was acting up weird and even the pilot told us that he didn’t
know what was wrong, but then suddenly the plane went back to normal! It was exactly
how my uncles dream went. I promise you, I’m not lying!